Rappel de Device Recall Leica M822 Surgical Microscope

Selon U.S. Food and Drug Administration, ce/cet/cette rappel concerne un dispositif en/au/aux/à United States qui a été fabriqué par Leica Microsystems, Inc..

Qu'est-ce que c'est?

Une correction ou un retrait opéré par un fabricant afin de répondre à un problème causé par un dispositif médical. Les rappels surviennent lorsqu'un dispositif médical est défectueux, lorsqu'il pourrait poser un risque pour la santé, ou les deux à la fois.

En savoir plus sur les données ici
  • Type d'événement
  • ID de l'événement
  • Classe de risque de l'événement
    Class 2
  • Numéro de l'événement
  • Date de mise en oeuvre de l'événement
  • Date de publication de l'événement
  • Statut de l'événement
  • Pays de l'événement
  • Date de fin de l'événement
  • Source de l'événement
  • URL de la source de l'événement
  • Notes / Alertes
    U.S. data is current through June 2018. All of the data comes from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, except for the category Manufacturer Parent Company.
    The Parent Company was added by ICIJ.
    The parent company information is based on 2017 public records.
  • Notes supplémentaires dans les données
    Stimulator, caloric-water - Product Code ETP
  • Cause
    Leica microsystems received complaints stating that the zoom function of the leica m822 surgical microscope locked up during use.
  • Action
    The firm, Leica Microsystems, Inc., sent a "Medical Device Correction" notice dated December 21, 2011 to all affected customers by e-mail. The product, problem, and actions to be taken by the customers were addressed. Customers were instructed- DO NOT USE use the affected product until the software could be upgraded and complete and return the Acknowledgement Form via fax to: 1-847-607-3147 or Scan and send to elizabeth.culotta@leica-microsystems.com. Leica Microsystems representatives will contact the customers to make necessary arrangements to complete the software upgrade. If you have any questions, contact Director, Global Product Quality Management at 1-847-317-7209.


  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Article 10448446, serial numbers 181011001, 181011009, 181011005, 181011003, 250811007, 28101108, 151111011, 211111007, 251111006 and 251111004. The corrected units will have controller software version MDC V3.6 pack G
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide distribution: USA (nationwide) including states of: California, Colorado, Illinois, New York, Oregon, South Carolina; and countries of: Australia, Japan, Korea, Pakistan, Romania, South Africa, Switzerland and Turkey.
  • Description du dispositif
    Leica M822 Surgical Microscope Device Controller Software (MDC version 3.6, pack F, affecting the control unit component, Article #10448446, in combination with a Leica M822 Optics Carrier-XY-Focus-Tilt-Unit, article #10448587; Leica Microsystems (Schweiz) AG, Max Schmidheiny-Strasse 201, CH-9425, Heerbrugg, Switzerland || The intended use of the microscope is for improving the visibility of objects through magnification and illumination. It can be applied for observation and documentation and for human and veterinary medical treatment.
  • Manufacturer


  • Adresse du fabricant
    Leica Microsystems, Inc., 1700 Leider Ln, Buffalo Grove IL 60089-6622
  • Société-mère du fabricant (2017)
  • Source