Nationwide, Germany, Japan, Canada, Korea, India, Malaysia, Australia, Hong Kong, Chile & Singapore
Description du dispositif
Vysis LSI p16 (9p21)/CEP 9 (9p11-q11) Dual Color Probe Set; a locus specific identifier DNA probe consisting of a mixture of the LSI p16 probe labeled with a SpectrumOrange and the CEP 9 probe labeled with a SpectrumGreen fluorophore, accompanied with LSI/WCP Hybridization Buffer; 20 evaluations; Vysis Inc., Downers Grove, IL 60515; order number 32-190078
Worldwide Distribution -- USA, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Columbia, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Norway, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
Description du dispositif
VP 2000 Processor; an automated tissue stainer || 100 volt - part 30-144100 or list 2J11-60; || 117 volt - part 30-144101 or list 2J11-01, and part 30-102832 - processor only; || 230 volt - part 30-144102 or list 2J11-04, and part 30-102833 processor only. || Designed to automate and standardize slide specimen processing including deparafinization, FISH pretreatment and routine slide staining for the laboratory. The unit is preprogrammed to perform slide pretreatment protocols for FISH assays and can be programmed to perform routine histology/cytology slide staining or routine slide washing according to user requirements.
Reference 304551-01 - Lots 1001625210, Exp. date 8/8/20123; 1001715580, Exp. date 9/26/2013; 1001711530, Exp. date 9/11/2013; 1001789540, Exp. date 10/29/2013; 1001932680, Exp. date 12/12/2013
Description du dispositif
VIDAS D-Dimer Exclusion II, an automated quantitative test for use on instruments of the VIDAS family for the immunoenzymatic determination of fibrin degradation products in human plasma using the Enzyme Linked Fluorescent Assay technique. Also indicated for use in conjunction with clinical pretest probability assessment model to exclude DVT and PE disease.
Worldwide Distribution- USA, and countries of Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, & United Kingdom
Description du dispositif
VerifyNow P2Y12 Assay Device Kit, Part Number 85054
The kits were distributed to hospitals and laboratories nationwide. They were also sent to 7 J&J; affiliated companies in France, Japan, Canada, England, Germany, Italy and Spain.
Description du dispositif
Cell Search Circulating Tumor Cell Kit (Epithelial) || Veridex LLC, a Johnson & Johnson Company || IVD || Veridex, LLC || 33 Technology Drive || Warren, NJ 07059 USA || 1-877-VERIDEX USA
Nationwide and to New Zealand, Canada, France, England, China, India, Mexico, Italy, Brazil, Australia, Singapore, Thailand, SriLanka, hong Kong, Sweden, Germany, Peru, Jamaica, Uruguay, Columbia, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Korea.
Description du dispositif
VARIANT / VARIANT II B-thalassemia Short Program Elution Buffer 2,. || Made in United States. || Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA 94547. || Percentage determination of hemoglobin A1c in human whole blood using ion-exchange high=performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Resin Update CD-ROM, 250-3020 lot # AA 00092 goes with Reorder Pack Lot No. 50392618 Resin Update CD-ROM, 250-3020 lot # BA 00092 goes with Reorder Pack Lot No 50300210. Resin Update CD-ROM, 250-3020 lot # CA 00092 Reorder Pack Lot No 50300645 & 50300650. Expiration date: 05/31/2011, 06/30/2011, 08/31/2011 PIN No. 250-3000;
Worldwide Distribution -- USA , Brazil, Canada, Caribbean, France, Italy, and United Kingdom.
Description du dispositif
VARIANT nbs Sickle Program Resin Update CD-ROM; Model Number:250-3020, included in 250-3000; Distributed and Manufactured by Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. The VARIANT nbs Sickle Cell Program is intended as a qualitative screen for the presence of hemoglobins F, A, S, D, C and E in eluates of neonatal blood collected on filter paper by high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC). The VARIANT nbs Sickle Cell Program is intended for Professional use only.
Catalog number 270-0500, lot numbers 70000349, 70000353, both with expiration dates of 6/30/2011, which contains ROM Card Lot # LA82418 (Catalog # 270-0507). Rom Card is included in kit Lot number 70000349 and 70000353.
Worldwide distribution: USA including: MD, NJ and UT; and countries of: Italy and Singapore.
Description du dispositif
The VARIANT Sickle Cell Short Program ROM Card; Distributed by and Manufactured by: Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. Hercules, CA || The VARIANT Sickle Cell Short Program is designed as a qualitative screen for the presence of hemoglobins F, A, S, D, C and E in eluates of neonatal blood collected on filter paper by high-performance liquid chromatography. For in vitro diagnostic use.
Nationwide and to New Zealand, Canada, France, England, China, India, Mexico, Italy, Brazil, Australia, Singapore, Thailand, SriLanka, hong Kong, Sweden, Germany, Peru, Jamaica, Uruguay, Columbia, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Korea.
Description du dispositif
VARIANT II TURBO LINK Hemoglobin A1c Program Reorder Pack, 1600 tests. || For the determination of Hemoglobin A1c in human whole blood. || Contents: || 1. Elution Buffer A, 1 x 2500 mL Bis-Tris Phosphate Buffer || 2. Elution Buffer B, 1 x 2100 mL Bis-Tris Phosphate Buffer || 3. Wash/Diluent Solution, 1 x 2500 mL, Deionized water || 4. Cartridge set - 2 cations exchange Analytical Cartridges, 4 cation exchange guard cartridges || 5. CD-ROM 1, CD Rom with program parameters || 6. Calibrator/Diluent Set, 2 levels, 2 vials each of lyophilized human red blood cell hemolysate with preservative, 1 bottle of diluent, 100 mL deionized water. || 7. Whole Blood Primer, 6 x 1 mL, Lyophilized human red blood cell hemolysate with preservative || 8. Sample Vials, 2 x 100, Polypropylene vials with pierceable lids || 9. Instruction Manual. || Percentage determination of hemoglobin A1c in human whole blood using ion-exchange high=performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) || Made in United States. || Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA 94547.
Nationwide and to New Zealand, Canada, France, England, China, India, Mexico, Italy, Brazil, Australia, Singapore, Thailand, SriLanka, hong Kong, Sweden, Germany, Peru, Jamaica, Uruguay, Columbia, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Korea.
Description du dispositif
VARIANT II TURBO LINK Hemoglobin A1c Program Buffer Set. || Made in United States. || Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA 94547. || Percentage determination of hemoglobin A1c in human whole blood using ion-exchange high=performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Model number: 270-2415; Lot number 70211066, expiry 03/31/2012; Lot number 70211068, expiry 3/31/2012. Contains Buffer lot number: AA10758/AA10759, expiry 3/31/12.
Nationwide and to New Zealand, Canada, France, England, China, India, Mexico, Italy, Brazil, Australia, Singapore, Thailand, SriLanka, hong Kong, Sweden, Germany, Peru, Jamaica, Uruguay, Columbia, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Korea.
Description du dispositif
VARIANT II TURBO Hemoglobin A1c Program Reorder Pack, 2000 tests, || IVD, Made in United States. || Kit contains: || 1. Elution Buffer A 3 x 2500 mL, Bis-Tris Phosphate Buffer || 2. Elution Buffer B 1 x 1500 mL Bis-Tris Phosphate Buffer || 3. Cartridge Set, 2 cation exchange analytical cartridges, 5 cation exchange Guard cartridges. || 4. CD-ROM 1 - CD Rom with program parameters || 5. Calibration/Diluent set - 2 levels, 3 vials each of lyophilized human red blood cell hemolysate with preservative, 1 bottle diluent, 100 mL deionized water. || 6. Whole Blood Primer, 6 x 1 mL, lyophilized human red blood cell hemolysate with preservative, || 7. Sample vials - 2 x 100, 1.5 mL polypropylene vials with pierceable caps. || 8. Instruction Manual. || Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA 94547. || Percentage determination of hemoglobin A1c in human whole blood using ion-exchange high=performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Nationwide and to New Zealand, Canada, France, England, China, India, Mexico, Italy, Brazil, Australia, Singapore, Thailand, SriLanka, hong Kong, Sweden, Germany, Peru, Jamaica, Uruguay, Columbia, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Korea.
Description du dispositif
VARIANT II TURBO Hemoglobin A1c Program Reorder Pack, 1600 tests, || IVD, Made in United States. || Kit contains: || 1. Elution Buffer A 3 x 2500 mL, Bis-Tris Phosphate Buffer || 2. Elution Buffer B 1 x 1500 mL Bis-Tris Phosphate Buffer || 3. Cartridge Set, 2 cation exchange analytical cartridges, 4 cation exchange Guard cartridges. || 4. CD-ROM 1 - CD Rom with program parameters || 5. Calibration/Diluent set - 2 levels, 2 vial each of lyophilized human red blood cell hemolysate with preservative, 1 bottle diluent, 100 mL deionized water. || 6. Whole Blood Primer, 6 x 1 mL, lyophilized human red blood cell hemolysate with preservative, || 7. Sample vials - 2 x 100, 1.5 mL polypropylene vials with pierceable caps. || 8. Instruction Manual. || Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA 94547. || Percentage determination of hemoglobin A1c in human whole blood using ion-exchange high=performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Nationwide and to New Zealand, Canada, France, England, China, India, Mexico, Italy, Brazil, Australia, Singapore, Thailand, SriLanka, hong Kong, Sweden, Germany, Peru, Jamaica, Uruguay, Columbia, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Korea.
Description du dispositif
VARIANT II TURBO Hemoglobin A1c Program Buffer B, || Made in United States. || Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA 94547. || Percentage determination of hemoglobin A1c in human whole blood using ion-exchange high=performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Worldwide Distribution -- USA, Hong Kong, and New Zealand.
Description du dispositif
Variant II Turbo Hemoglobin A1c Program, model number 270 2417, manufactured by Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc, Hercules, CA. || Intended Use: For the percent determination of hemoglobin A1c in human whole blood using ion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
Worldwide Distrubution ; USA INCLUDING CA, NY, GA, NC, AL, NJ, CT, WA, NY, LA, Il, MA and Internationally to China, Australia, Canada, France, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore,and Brazil.
Description du dispositif
Variant II beta-thalassemia Short Program Model Numbers 270-2103 (250 tests) and 270-2154 (500 tests), Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. in vitro diagnostic. The Variant II Hemoglobin testing system uses the principals of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for the separation and determination of normal and abnormal hemoglobin.
Nationwide Distribution including MI, SC, OH, IL, MN, MD, VA, NY and WI.
Description du dispositif
VARIANT II Link Hemoglobin A1c Program Reorder Pack, || 1600 tests, IVD, For the determination of Hemoglobin A1c in human whole blood. || Contents: || Elution Buffer A , 1 x 2500 mL || Elution Buffer B, 1 x 2100 mL || Wash/Diluent Solution, 1 x 2500 mL || Cartridge Set || CD ROM - 1 || Calibrator/Diluent Set || Whole Blood Primer, 6 x 1 mL || Sample vials, 2 x 100 || Instruction Manual || Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., 400 Alfred nobel Drive, Hercules, CA 94547-1803. || Intended for the percent determination of hemoglobin A1c in human whole blood using ion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography (HLCP).
Model number: 270-2154; Lot number 70210674, expiry 1/13/13. lot number 70210954, expiry 2/28/13. Both contain Buffer lot numbers AA10685/AA10686, expiry 3/31/13. Model number : 270-0002; Lot number 70010957, expiry 2/28/13. Contains Buffer lot numbers AA10685/AA10686, expiry 3/31/13.
Nationwide and to New Zealand, Canada, France, England, China, India, Mexico, Italy, Brazil, Australia, Singapore, Thailand, SriLanka, hong Kong, Sweden, Germany, Peru, Jamaica, Uruguay, Columbia, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Korea.
Description du dispositif
VARIANT B-thalassemia Short Program Reorder Pack, 500 Tests, For the separation and determination of HbA and HbF and as an aid in the identification of abnormal hemoglobins in whole blood. IVD, Made in United States. || Contents: || 1. Elution Buffer 1, 3 x 1900 mL sodium phosphate buffer || 2. Elution Buffer 2, 2 x 1800 mL sodium phosphate buffer || 3. Wash/Diluent solution, 2 x 1800 mL deionized water || 4. Analytical cartridge, 1 cation exchange cartridge || 5. 1 Calibrator/Diluent set, 1 Lypholized human red blood cells hemolysate with preservative; deionized water with preservative || 6. 1 CD Rom - CD R with program parameters || 7 Sample vials, 100 x 1.5 mL. Sample vials with pierceable cap || 8. Whole Blood Primer, 10 x 1.0 mL (3), Lypholized human red blood cells hemolysate with preservative; || 9. Instruction Manual || Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA 94547. || Percentage determination of hemoglobin A1c in human whole blood using ion-exchange high=performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)