Worldwide Distribution - USA, including FL, NY, VA, CA, GA, AL, PA, MI, LA, KS, SD, KY, TX, AR, and WV, and the countries of Belgium, Italy, Argentina, Poland, Netherlands, Turkey and Portugal.
Description du dispositif
Closed knot pusher REF 902813, Biomet Sports Medicine, Warsaw, IN. || The device is intended to push knots down a limb of suture.
Worldwide distribution: US (nationwide) including states of: CA, FL, GA, IL, IN, KY, MN, MO, NY, OH, TX, and WI. Internationally to: Canada, France, Germany, Spain, and Switzerland.
Description du dispositif
Arthrocare SPORTS MEDICINE, Knot Pusher, REF 25-3011, LOT #1049402, CON 1, 2013-10, NON-STERILE, Rx only