The tissue processor is a device designed to process tissues and perform all the steps of the fixation until the infiltration of the paraffin its basic applications are fixation dehydrationinfiltration with paraffin tissue samples histopathological
Only qualified personnel should use the tissue processor. The equipment has been designed in such a way that it is fault-proof - both in terms of the user and the samples to be processed - provided that the user complies at all times with the instructions in the user manual. The equipment has been designed for the following applications in the laboratory: fixation, dehydration, paraffin infiltration of histological samples.
Only qualified personnel should use the tissue processor. The equipment has been designed in such a way that it is fault-proof - both in terms of the user and the samples to be processed - provided that the user complies at all times with the instructions in the user manual. The equipment has been designed for the following laboratory applications: • fixation, • dehydration, • paraffin infiltration of histological samples.