
2 dispositifs médicaux avec un nom similaire

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  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Part #: 50625, Catalog number: 510-US, Lot #: 08296, 08529, 08530, 08531, 08674, 08759, 08826, 08952, 09052, 09166, 09422, 09423; Part #: 50633, Catalog #: 510-USS, Lot #: 08537, 08675, 08953; Part #: 50627, Catalog #: 814-US, Lot #: 08610; Part # 50634, Catalog # 814-USS, Lot #: 08611, 08919, 09466; Part #: 50628, Catalog #: 1112-US, Lot #'s: 08382, 08411, 08475, 08476, 08477, 08557, 08583, 08657, 08666, 08667, 09486, 08668, 08707, 08771, 08810, 08874, 08903, 08971, 09037, 09088, 09089, 09149, 09225, 09251, 09285, 09313, 09314, 09327, 09360, 09361, 08320; Part #:50635, Catalog #: 1112-USS, Lot #'s: 08410, 08514, 08606, 08673, 08708, 08772, 08802, 08868, 08954, 09017, 09066, 09067, 09195, 09253, 09254, 09295, 09377, 09378, 09485, 08331; Part #: 50629, Catalog #: 1215-US, Lot #'s: 08395, 08584, 08669, 08732, 08917, 08989, 09107, 09218 & Part #: 50137, and Catalog #: CT-99, Lot #'s: 08332, 08353, 08438, 08538, 08607, 08608, 08706, 08725, 08773, 08837, 08851, 08879, 08933, 08970, 09010, 09086, 09087, 09143, 09144, 09157, 09294, 09329, 09362, 09379 and 08423.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution -- United States (AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MO, MT, NC, ND, NE, NJ, NM, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, WI & WV), Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, New Zealand, Singapore, and The Netherlands.
  • Description du dispositif
    TempPad¿ Cold Therapy Pad. || The device is used for localized temperature therapy including hand, elbow, arm, foot, ankle, leg, or knee.
  • Manufacturer