
3 dispositifs médicaux avec un nom similaire

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  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Catalog #400006 Lot #'s 01141604, 01141609, 01141614, 01231506, 01231507, 01271513, 01271514, 02021508, 02021509, 02021510, 02021511, 03271306, 04291403, 04291404, 04301513, 04301514, 04301515, 04301516, 06251504, 06291506, 06291507, 06291508, 06291509, 06291510, 06291511, 07081301, 07201503, 07201504, 07201505, 07201506, 08191309, 08251402, 08251403, 09231504, 09251502, 09281510, 10071307, 10071308, 10141504, 10141505, 10261507, 10261508, 11061405, 11061406, 11061407, 11061408, 11121513, 11121517, 11121520, 11121524, 12151512, 12151518, 12151522 and 12301314
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
  • Description du dispositif
    AccuLIF PL 6-9mm x 11mm x 27mm x 8 Cage, Rx only, Sterile R, Legal The AccuLIF PL Cages are indicated for intervertebral body fusion with autograft and/or allogeneic bone graft comprised of cancellous and/or corticocancellous bone graft when the subject device is used as an adjunct to fusion in patients with degenerative disc disease (DDD) at one level or two contiguous levels from L2 to S1. DDD is defined as back pain of discogenic origin with degeneration of the disc confirmed by history and radiographic studies. Additionally, the AccuLIF PL Cages can be used as in adjunct to fusion in patients diagnosed with degenerative scoliosis. The AccuLIF Pl Cages are always to be used with supplemental internal spinal fixation. Additionally, the AccuLIF PL Cages are to be used with autograft and/or allogeneic bone graft comprised of cancellous and/or corticocancellous bone graft when the subject device is used as an adjunct to fusion.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Catalog #400008 Lot #'s 01141602, 01141607, 01141610, 01141612, 01141617, 02021601, 02021603, 02021605, 02161503. 02161504, 02161506, 02161507, 02161508, 02161509, 02161510, 02161511, 02161512, 02161513, 02161514, 02161515, 03061309, 04161501, 04161502, 04161503, 04161504, 04161505, 04161506, 04161507, 04161508, 05171305, 05181505, 05181506, 05181507, 05181508, 05181509, 05181510, 05181511, 05181512, 05181513, 05181514, 05181515, 06031401, 06031402, 06031403, 06031404, 06201309, 07291404, 07291405, 08191310, 08191311, 08261506, 08261507, 08261508, 10111302, 10111303, 10111304, 10111305, 10291405, 10291406, 11101406, 11101407, 11101408, 11101409, 11101410, 11101411, 11121525, 12151510, 12151515, 12151516, 12151523, 12151526 and 12301315
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
  • Description du dispositif
    AccuLIF PL 8-12mm x 11mm x 27mm x 8 Cage, Rx only, Sterile R, Legal The AccuLIF PL Cages are indicated for intervertebral body fusion with autograft and/or allogeneic bone graft comprised of cancellous and/or corticocancellous bone graft when the subject device is used as an adjunct to fusion in patients with degenerative disc disease (DDD) at one level or two contiguous levels from L2 to S1. DDD is defined as back pain of discogenic origin with degeneration of the disc confirmed by history and radiographic studies. Additionally, the AccuLIF PL Cages can be used as in adjunct to fusion in patients diagnosed with degenerative scoliosis. The AccuLIF Pl Cages are always to be used with supplemental internal spinal fixation. Additionally, the AccuLIF PL Cages are to be used with autograft and/or allogeneic bone graft comprised of cancellous and/or corticocancellous bone graft when the subject device is used as an adjunct to fusion
  • Manufacturer
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Catalog #400010 Lot #'s 01021403, 01121508, 01121509, 01271515, 01271516, 02021512, 02021513, 02021514, 02021515, 02021602, 03221310, 04141508, 04141509, 04141510, 04141511, 04141512, 04251312, 06101405, 06101406, 06101407, 06251311, 07011406, 07201510, 07201511, 07201512, 08141303, 08141313, 09251504, 09281512, 10081301, 10081302, 10201502, 10201503, 10301504, 11121514, 11121518, 11121521, 12151511 and 12151517
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
  • Description du dispositif
    AccuLIF PL 10-16mm x 11mm x 27mm x 8 Cage, Rx only, Sterile R, Legal The AccuLIF PL Cages are indicated for intervertebral body fusion with autograft and/or allogeneic bone graft comprised of cancellous and/or corticocancellous bone graft when the subject device is used as an adjunct to fusion in patients with degenerative disc disease (DDD) at one level or two contiguous levels from L2 to S1. DDD is defined as back pain of discogenic origin with degeneration of the disc confirmed by history and radiographic studies. Additionally, the AccuLIF PL Cages can be used as in adjunct to fusion in patients diagnosed with degenerative scoliosis. The AccuLIF Pl Cages are always to be used with supplemental internal spinal fixation. Additionally, the AccuLIF PL Cages are to be used with autograft and/or allogeneic bone graft comprised of cancellous and/or corticocancellous bone graft when the subject device is used as an adjunct to fusion
  • Manufacturer