Device Recall Teleflex MEDICAL HUDSON RCI One Way Valve w. Capped Monitoring Port

  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Lot Numbers: 74D1501706 74K1502092 74F1600367 74J1600117 74L1601916 74C1701733 74F1700707 74D1501731 74K1502045 74F1601072 74J1601101 74M1600284 74C1702365 74F1701866 74G1500664 74M1501145 74F1601874 74J1601563 74M1601685 74D1700030 74F1702612 74G1500663 74A1601936 74F1602470 74J1602238 74A1700107 74D1700363 74G1700034 74G1502412 74B1600334 74G1600466 74K1600148 74A1701335 74D1701038 74G1700488 74H1500466 74C1600162 74H1600217 74K1600287 74A1701403 74D1701507 74G1701144 74H1500189 74D1601420 74H1600516 74K1601020 74A1702060 74E1700450 74G1702002 74H1501260 74D1601965 74H1601371 74K1601924 74A1702874 74E1700965 74H1700127 74H1501971 74E1600800 74H1601372 74L1600063 74B1701032 74E1701630 74H1700791 74J1501554 74E1601571 74H1602060 74L1600278 74B1700172 74E1702399 74H1701752 74K1500354 74E1600116 74H1602061 74L1601099 74C1700868 74F1700125 74H1702374
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    US Nationwide in the states of AU, CA, NZ
  • Description du dispositif
    Teleflex MEDICAL HUDSON RCI One Way Valve w. Capped Monitoring Port, REF 1644, QTY 50 || Product Usage: || for use in respiratory and anesthesia circuits to connect two or more components of a breathing system.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Adresse du fabricant
    Teleflex Medical Europe Ltd, Ida Business Park, Athlone Ireland
  • Société-mère du fabricant (2017)
  • Source