Giraffe and Panda Warmer TPiece Resuscitation System

  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Models M1139417, M1223628, M1192226-072951, M1192226-084200. M1192226-095181, M1192226-104599
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution - Worldwide Distribution - USA including AL, AZ, CA, CO, FL,GA, IA, ID, IL, KY, MA, MD, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND ,NE, NM, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA ,TX, VT, WA, WI and WV; and the countries of Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, France, New Zealand, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
  • Description du dispositif
    GE Healthcare - Giraffe and Panda T-Piece Resuscitation System || The T-piece Resuscitation System [ventilator, emergency powered resuscitator]/Panda Bag and Mask Resuscitation System provides the basic equipment required for pulmonary resuscitation of infants.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Adresse du fabricant
    GE Healthcare, LLC, 3000 N Grandview Blvd, Waukesha WI 53188-1615
  • Société-mère du fabricant (2017)
  • Source

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  • Modèle / numéro de série
    7742443, 7785387, 7860461, 7875369, 7909560, and 8145199.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution - USA, including DC and the states of AL, AK, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IN, IL, KY, KS, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO,MS, MT, NC, NE, NJ, NM, NY, NV, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, and WV, and the countries of Albania, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium, Canada, China, Czech Rep., Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kazakhstan, S. Korea, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, and Arab Emirates,
  • Description du dispositif
    GE Giraffe and Panda T-Piece Resuscitation System labeled ***T-Piece Neonatal Patient Circuit Kit Disposable with Size 1 Mask***M1091335 QTY: 10 T-Piece Disposable Circuit, QTY: 10, M1091316 T-Piece Disposable Circuit Kit with Mask Size O; M1091365 QTY: 10 T-Piece Disposable Circuit Kit with Mask, Size 1, Lot 1981713 *** Ohmeda Medical, A Division of Datex-Ohmeda, Inc. A General Electric Company Laurel, MD 20723 USA MADE IN USA*** || Provides the basic equipment required for pulmonary resuscitation of infants.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    QABR50042, QABR50036, QABR50082, QABR50110, QABR50111, QABR50031, QABR50008, QABS50107, QABS50108, QABS50139, QABR50009, QABR50043, QABS50017, QABS50072, QABS50129, QABS50076, QABR50005, QABR50060, QABR50035, QABS50084, QABS50100, QABR50038, QABR50023, QABR50095, QABR50097, QABS50151, QABS50153, QABS50154, QABR50137, QABR50144, QABR50002, QABR50001, QABR50015, QABS50119, QABS50122, QABR50112, QABR50129, QABS50098, QABS50099, QABS50101, QABR50124, QABR50141, QABR50028, QABS50148, QABR50109, QABR50030, QABR50217, QABR50159, QABR50160, QABR50161, QABR50163, QABR50165, QABR50166, QABR50167, QABR50172, QABR50173, QABR50174, QABR50175, QABR50176, QABR50177, QABR50178, QABR50179, QABR50180, QABR50181, QABR50182, QABR50183, QABR50184, QABR50185, QABR50186, QABR50187, QABR50188, QABR50189, QABR50190, QABR50191, QABR50192, QABR50193, QABR50195, QABR50209, QABR50211,QABR50212, QABR50213, QABR50214, QABR50216, QABR50219, QABR50220, QABR50222, QABR50223, QABR50224, QABR50225,QABR50232, QABR50233, QABR50234, QABR50235, QABR50236, QABR50237, QABS50120, QABS50130, QABS50132, QABR50218, QABR50221, QABR50019, QABR50032, QABR50139, QABR50142, QABR50164, QABR50194, QABR50198, QABR50199, QABR50130, QABR50046, QABR50025, QABR50058, QABR50059, QABR50033, QABR50039, QABR50061, QABR50062, QABR50063, QABR50006, QABR50048, QABS50052, QABS50053, QABS50067, QABS50028, QABS50050,  QABS50051, QABR50047, QABS50083, QABR50020, QABS50025, QABS50029, QABR50016, QABR50169, QABR50170, QABR50171, QABS50071, QABS50118, QABS50147, QABR50040, QABR50044, QABR50078, QABR50084, QABR50150, QABR50231, QABR50014, QABS50077, QABS50078, QABS50079, QABS50134, QABS50140, QABS50131, QABR50208, QABR50210, QABS50018, QABS50019, QABS50150, QABS50149, QABS50160, QABR50041, QABR50022, QABR50017, QABR50010, QABR50012, QABR50136, QABR50138,  QABS50024, QABS50048, QABS50049, QABR50135, QABR50143, QABR50145, QABR50146, QABR50147, QABR50162, QABR50196, QABR50197, QABR50200, QABR50201, QABR50003, QABR50051, QABR50052, QABR50057, QABR50096, QABR50098, QABR50099, QABR50081, QABS50020, QABS50016, QABR50134, QABR50080, QABR50083, QABS50117, QABS50141, QABR50148, QABR50151, QABR50152, QABS50061, QABS50062, QABS50105, QABS50136, QABS50075, QABR50115, QABS50152, QABR50054, QABR50029, QABS50142, QABS50143, QABS50095, QABS50097, QABR50055, QABR50094, QABS50064, QABS50065, QABS50066, QABS50080, QABS50081, QABS50082, QABR50114, QABR50027, QABR50056, QABR50131, QABR50037, QABR50007, QABS50133, QABR50215, QABS50121,QABR50140, QABR50034, QABR50024, QABR50079, QABR50049, QABR50050, QABS50073, QABS50074, QABR50011, QABR50125, QABR50018, QABR50026, QABR50004, QABR50113, QABR50168, QABR50053, QABR50077, QABR50085, QABS50015, QABR50045, QABR50013, QABR50021, QABR50149, QABR50153, QABS50031, QABS50032, QABS50058, QABS50059, QABS50060, QABS50063, QABR50203, QABR50204, QABR50093, QABS50106, QABS50123, QABS50124, QABS50125, QABS50126, QABS50137 QABS50138, QABR50205, QABR50207, QABS50104, QABS50022, QABS50055, QABS50056, QABS50057, QABS50128, QABS50096, QABR50202, QABS50014 QABS50111 QABS50112 QABS50113 QABS50114 QABS50033 QABS50034 QABS50035 QABS50036 QABS50037 QABS50038 QABS50039 QABS50040 QABS50041 QABS50042 QABS50043 QABS50044 QABS50045 QABR50238 QABR50239 QABR50240 QABR50241 QABR50242 QABR50243 QABR50244 QABR50245 QABR50246 QABR50247 QABR50248 QABR50249 QABR50250 QABR50251 QABR50252 QABR50254 QABR50255 QABR50256 QABR50257 QABR50258 QABR50259 QABR50260 QABR50261 QABR50262 QABR50263 QABR50264 QABR50265 QABR50266 QABR50267 QABR50269 QABR50270 QABR50271 QABR50272 QABR50273 QABS50046 QABS50135 QABS50007 QABS50009 QABS50030 QABS50047 QABR50120 QABR50121 QABS50085 QABS50144 QABS50145 QABR50127 QABS50087 QABS50088 QABS50089 QABR50128 QABR50154 QABR50155 QABR50156 QABR50157 QABR50158 QABR50268 QABS50109 QABS50110 QABR50226 QABR50228 QABR50227 QABR50229 QABR50253 QABS50001 QABS50002 QABS50003 QABS50004 QABS50005 QABS50006 QABS50008 QABS50010 QABS50011 QABS50012 QABS50013 QABS50068 QABS50090 QABS50091 QABS50092 QABS50093 QABS50094 QABS50127
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution - USA Nationwide including the states of AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL,GA. HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, PR, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, and WY; and the countries of Albania, Austria, Australia, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Guatemala, Germany, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungry, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Korea, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland Turkey, United Arab, United Kingdom, and Venezuela.
  • Description du dispositif
    GE Healthcare - Giraffe Warmer;Panda Warmer;Panda iRes Warmer, Giraffe Stand-alone Infant Resuscitation System. || Product Usage: || The T-Piece Resuscitation System [ventilator, emergency powered resuscitator]/Panda Bag and Mask Resuscitation System provides the basic equipment required for pulmonary resuscitation of infants. Pulmonary resuscitation includes practices necessary to establish a clear airway and provide oxygen or air/oxygen mixtures and/or manual ventilation to the infant. These are clinical practices that represent the established standard of care.
  • Manufacturer