Invivo Corporation Expression MRI Patient Monitoring System

  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Model number 865214: (Service Numbers 453564180091, 453564181201). Lot numbers: US00201487, US00201488, US00201489, US00201490, US00201493, US11401510, US11401511, US11401513, US11401514, US11401515, US11401516, US11401531, US11401532, US11401533, US11401546, US11401562, US11401563, US11401564, US11401565, US11401566, US11401567, US11401568, US11401569, US11401570, US11401571, US11401572, US11401573, US11401574, US11401575, US11401576, US11401577, US11401578, US11401579, US11401611, US11401617, US11401618, US11401631, US11401633, US11401634, US11401645, US11401646, US11401647, US11401648, US11401649, US11401651, US11401652, US11401672, US11401673, US11401674, US11401675, US11401712, US11401713, US11401714, US11401715, US11401716, US11401717, US11401718, US11401719, US11401720, US11401721, US11401722, US11401723, US11401724, US11401737, US11401738, US11401739, US11401740, US11401741, US11401742, US11401743, US11401744, US11401745, US11401746, US11401747, US11401775, US11401776, 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  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution-USA (nationwide) including the states of MO; MS; MA; IL; OH; NY; KS; PA; WI; VA; SD; AZ; FL; OR; TX; MA; MO; FL; MA; MI; CT; CA; NJ; NC; ME; IL; MA; MA; WV; MA; MN; CA; AL; AL; WI; DC; OH; WV; CA; NC; NY; MT; NJ; CA; WA; IN; MI; PA; TX; NC; TN; TX; ID; NM; IL; PA; IN; IL; WA; CO; MN; CA; IN; MD; MI; DC; GA; DE; CO; CT; WA; NJ; MD; TX; TN; MN; WA; CA; FL; OH; PA; NY; IN; OK; ID; IA; NY; WI; VA; CA; HI; MS; TX; HI; CT; TN; OR; WA; PA; NH; CA; MA; LA; IN; PA; AZ; GA; UT; ND; GA; TX; TX; IN; CA; MI; CT; CA; NC; MS; VA; IN; MI; NE; NV; MI; WA; IL; KY; LA; OR; OK; LA; TN; KY; TX; CA; PA; NM; NC; CO; DC; AL; MI; TX; SD; PA; OR; ID; NM; SD; CO; MN; NJ; MI; ND; MN; MT; LA; CT; WA; TX; IA; NJ; WI; SD; and UT, and the countries of Canada, Italy, Thailand, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Slovenia, Singapore, Republic of Korea, Uzbekistan, Iceland, Israel, Austria, United Kingdom, Afganhistan, Japan, South Africa, Germany, Qatar, Netherlands, Switzerland, Denmark, and Sweden.
  • Description du dispositif
    Invivo Corporation Expression MRI Patient Monitoring System. || The Expression MRI Patient Monitoring System is intended for use by healthcare professionals to monitor vital signs for patients undergoing MRI procedures. The Patient Monitoring System also provides signals for synchronization to the MR scanner.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Adresse du fabricant
    Invivo Corporation, 12151 Research Pkwy, Suite 200, Orlando FL 32826-3222
  • Société-mère du fabricant (2017)
  • Source