
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Part No. TF8-32-63-135, Lot TFFB070912; Part No.TF8-32-63-37, Lot TFFA310812; Part. No. TF8-32-63-37, Lot TFFB290113; Part No. TF8-32-63-45, Lot TFFA290113; Part No. TF8-32-63-45, Lot TFFB310812; Part No. TF8-32-63-45, Lot TFFC221211; Part No. TF8-32-63-55, Lot TFFA051212; Part No. TF8-32-63-55, Lot TFFA230812; Part No. TF8-32-63-55, Lot TFFB221211; Part No. TF8-32-63-55, Lot TFFB230113; Part No. TF8-32-63-90, Lot TFFA070213; Part No. TF8-32-63-90, Lot TFFA070912; Part No. TF8-32-81-135, Lot TFFH070912; Part No. TF8-32-81-37, Lot TFFD070912; Part No. TF8-32-81-45, Lot TFFE070912; Part No. TF8-32-81-55, Lot TFFF070912; Part No. TF8-32-81-90, Lot TFFG070912; Part No. TF8-38-62-S, Lot TFFA201212; Part No. TF85-32-63-37, Lot TFFC070912; Part No. TF85-32-63-45, Lot TFFA221211; Part No. TF85-32-63-45, Lot TFFA250512; Part No. TF85-32-63-45, Lot TFFC051212; Part No. TF85-32-63-45, Lot TFFC230812; Part No. TF85-32-63-55, Lot TFFA230113; Part No. TF85-32-63-55, Lot TFFA290812; Part No. TF85-32-63-55, Lot TFFB070612; Part No. TF85-32-63-90, Lot TFFB230812; Part No. TF85-32-63-90, Lot TFFC260413; Part No. TF85-32-63-90, Lot TFFC280213; Part No. TF85-32-63-90, Lot TFFF070213; Part No. TF85-32-81-135, Lot TFFC280912; Part No. TF85-32-81-37, Lot TFFA280912; and Part No. TF85-32-81-90, Lot TFFB280912
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution - USA Nationwide in the states of : NE, NH, NC, FL, PA, VA, MI, CA, AL, and TN and the countries of China, Canada, Saudi Arabia, and Italy.
  • Description du dispositif
    Baylis Medical TorFlex Transseptal Guiding Sheath, Rx Only, non-pyrogenic, sterile. || Product Usage: The TorFlex Transseptal Guiding Sheath kit (K102948) is a single use device consisting of three components: a sheath, a dilator, and a J-tipped guidewire. The kit is designed for safe and easy catheterization and angiography of specific heart chambers and locations.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Adresse du fabricant
    Baylis Medical Corp *, 5959 TransCanada Highway, Montreal Canada
  • Société-mère du fabricant (2017)
  • Source

8 dispositifs médicaux avec un nom similaire

En savoir plus sur les données ici

  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Model Catalog: TF8-38-62-S (Lot serial: S22739); Model Catalog: TF8-38-62-S (Lot serial: S22739X1); Model Catalog: TF8-38-62-S (Lot serial: S21903); Model Catalog: TF8-38-62-S (Lot serial: S21940); Model Catalog: TF8-38-62-S (Lot serial: S21244)
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Description du dispositif
    TorFlex Transseptal guiding Sheath
  • Manufacturer
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