Device Recall BP7561 OPTI CCATS BLac Cassette

  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Lot numbers: 110650, 114650, 114651, 114652, 114653, 116650, 116652, 117650, 118651, 121650, 121651, 122652, 122652, 122653, 122654, 122655, 122656, 122657, 123654, 123655, 124650, 133650, 134651, 136650, 146650, 149650, 202650, 208650, 208651, 209560, 209651, 211650, 212651, 213650, 214650, 215650, 215651, 221650, 222650 and 224650.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution -- US (nationwide) including the states of AZ, ID, TX and UT., and the countries of Argentina, Bolivia, China, Ecuador, France, Germany Greece, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Japan, Kuwait, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Sudan Switzerland, Turkey, United kingdom, Venezuela, and Viet Nam.
  • Description du dispositif
    BP7561 OPTI CCA-TS B-Lac Cassette (25 per box) || Cassettes are consumables used in the OPTI CCA-TS Analyzer intended to be used for in vitro measurements of pH, PCOX2 PO2, lactate (lactic acid), total hemoglobin (tHb), and oxygen saturation (SO2), in heparinized whole blood samples (either arterial or venous) on the OPTI CCA-TS system, in either a clinical setting or point of care locations. Cassettes contain one-time use sensors that are used with the OPTI CCA-TS analyzer to perform in-vitro measurements of blood gases and metabolites. OPTI CCA-TS B-Lac Cassettes are supplied in boxes of 25 and may only used with the OPTI CCA-TS Analyzer.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Adresse du fabricant
    OPTI Medical Systems, Inc, 235 Hembree Park Dr, Roswell GA 30076-5738
  • Société-mère du fabricant (2017)
  • Source