
  • Adresse du fabricant
    Pentax of America Inc, 3 Paragon Dr, Montvale NJ 07645-1782
  • Société-mère du fabricant (2017)
  • Source

10 dispositifs médicaux avec un nom similaire

En savoir plus sur les données ici

  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Model #'s: EB-1170K, EB-1570, EB-1570AK, EB-1570K, EB-1970AK, EB-1970K, EB-1970TK and EB-1970UK
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    US Nationwide and Internationally
  • Description du dispositif
    Video Bronchoscope
  • Manufacturer
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Model #'s:ECY-1570 and ECY-1570K
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    US Nationwide and Internationally
  • Description du dispositif
    Video Cytoscopes
  • Manufacturer
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    A110021, A110022, A110023, A110024, A110025, A110026, A110027, A110028, A110029, A110030, A110031, A110032, A110033, A110034, A110035, A110036, A110037, A110038, A110039, A110043, A110046, A110051, A110055, A110056, A110057, A110058, A110059, A110060, A110061, A110062, A110063, A110064, A110065, A110067, A110068, A110070, A110071, A110072, A110073, A110074, A110075, A110076, A110077, A110078, A110079, A110080, A110081, A110082, A110083, A110086, A110087, A110088, A110089, A110090, A110091, A110092, A110095, A110098, A110099, A110100, A110114, A110115, A110116, A110117, A110118, A110121, A110122, A110127, A110128, A110129, A110130, A110131, A110132, A110133, A110134, A110135, A110136, A110137, A110138, A110140, A110142, A110143, A110150, A110152, A110156, A110157, A110158, A110159, A110160, A110162, A110163, A110164, A110165, A110166, A110167, A110168, A110169, A110170, A110173, A110174, A110177, A110178, A110179, A110180, A110182, A110183, A110190, A110191, A110192, A110193, A110194, A110203, A110204, A110206, A110207, A110208, A110209, A110210, A110211, A110213, A110214, A110215, A110216, A110217, A110218, A110229, A110230, A110231, A110232, A110233, A110234, A110235, A110236, A110237, A110243, A110244, A110246, A110247, A110248, A110249, A110250, A110251, A110252, A110258, A110259, A110260, A110268, A110269, A110272, A110273, A110274, A110275, A110276, A110277, A110278, A110279, A110280, A110281, A110283, A110284, A110285, A110287, A110288, A110289, A110290, A110293, A110297, A110301, A110302, A110304, A110305, A110306, A110307, A110308, A110316, A110317, A110318, A110319, A110320, A110321, A110322, A110323, A110324, A110325, A110326, A110327, A110328, A110329, A110331, A110333, A110338, A110339, A110345, A110347, A110352, A110362, A110363, A110385, A110386, A110387, A110388, A110389, A110390, A110391, A110392, A110393, A110399, A110403, A110405, A110406, A110407, A110409, A110410, A110412, A110413, A110415, A110416, A110417, A110418, A110419, A110421, A110422, A110424, A110438, A110439, A110440, A110454, A110462, A110464, A110466, A110468, A110470, A110473, A110474, A110476, A110480, A110483, A110491, A110492, A110495, A110496, A110497, A110498, A110499, A110501, A110502, A110518, A110520, A110521, A110524, A110525, A110527, A110534, A110535, A110538, A110547, A110549, A110550, A110553, A110554, A110555, A110574, A110581, A110582, A110587, A110588, A110589, A110590, A110591, A110593, A110594, A110595, A110596, A110598, A110599, A110600, A110601, A110602, A110607, A110610, A110612, A110614, A110615, A110616, A110617, A110619, A110620, A110621, A110623, A110625, A110626, A110633, A110649, A110651, A110652, A110654, A110665, A110666, A110667, A110668, A110669, A110670, A110671, A110672, A110674, A110675, A110676, A110677, A110678, A110680, A110682, A110683, A110684, A110686, A110692, A110694, A110695, H110699, H110700, H110701, H110703, H110704, H110705, H110706, H110707, H110708, H110709, H110710, H110711, H110712, H110714, H110715, H110716, H110717, H110718, H110719, H110721, H110723, H110729, H110733, H110736, H110737, H110738, H110740, H110749, H110754, H110767, H110773, H110774, H110775, H110779, H110780, H110781, H110782, H110783, H110784, H110786, H110788, H110789, H110790, H110791, H110792, H110793, H110794, H110795, H110796, H110797, H110799, H110800, H110802, H110803, H110805, H110807, H110819, H110822, H110823, H110825, H110826, H110827, H110828, H110830, H110831, H110832, H110834, H110835, H110837, H110838, H110840, H110842, H110844, H110845, H110846, H110849, H110850, H110851, H110852, H110853, H110858, H110859, H110860, H110861, H110862, H110863, H110865, H110866, H110867, H110868, H110869, H110870, H110871, H110872, H110873, H110876, H110877, H110880, H110881, H110882, H110883, H110890, H110891, H110892, H110893, H110894
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
  • Description du dispositif
    Video Duodenoscope
  • Manufacturer
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    EB-1170K; EB-1570K; EB-1575K; EB=1970K; EB-1970TK; EB-1975K
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Nationwide Distribution
  • Description du dispositif
    Pentax Video Bronchoscope || Designed to be used with a Pentax Video Processor (including light source), documentation equipment, video monitor, endo-therapy accessories (such as biopsy forceps) and other ancillary equipment for endoscopy and endoscopic surgery within the airways and tracheobronchial tree.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modèle / numéro de série
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Nationwide Distribution
  • Description du dispositif
    Ultrasound Video Bronchoscope || The EB-1970UK, Ultrasound Video Bronchoscope, is intended to provide optical visualization of, ultrasonic visualization of, and therapeutic access to, the Pulmonary Track including but not restricted to organs, tissues, and subsystem: Nasal Passage, Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea, Bronchial Tree (including access beyond the stem), and underlying areas. The instrument is introduced per orally when indications consistent with the requirement for procedure are observed in adult and pediatric patient populations.
  • Manufacturer
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