Integra LifeSciences

  • Modèle / numéro de série
    SN'S: P0102211 P0102311 P0104611 P0104811 P0105011 P0105311 P0105411 P0105511 P0105911 P0106511 P0100311
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution - USA (nationwide) including the states of: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Indiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Montana, Washington, Wyoming, and Puerto Rico, and the countries of: Australia, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sweden, Switzerland, and Turkey.
  • Description du dispositif
    Integra Surgical Luxtec MLX Light Source || Catalog Numbers: 00MLXAU || Product Usage: The Integra Luxtec MLX Light Source is designed to supply high intensity white light through a fiber optic cable for illumination of a surgical field during a surgical and or medical procedure.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


8 dispositifs médicaux avec un nom similaire

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  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Lot # FEDT
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
  • Description du dispositif
    The UNI-CP System; Model Number: 330230SND.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Catalogue No's:  CEV649B5, CEV649BGP, CEV649GP, CEV8649B5, CEV8649BGP, CEV646B5, CEV647B5, CEV648B5, CEV649-5B, CEV649-5N, CEV8646B5, CEV8647B5, CEV8648B5, CEV1019-5B, CEV10195C, CEV10195D, CEV1019-5N, CEV10195NA, CEV10195R, CEV1039-5-B, CEV10395D, CEV1039-5N, CEV3911, CEV3931, CEV3941, CEV3951, CEV3961, CEV3981, CEV3991, CEV8991, CEV104M, CEV114M, CEV211, CEV220, CEV391B, CEV394B, CEV395B, CEV399B, CEV899, CEV405, CEV406, CEV407, CEV460, CEV470, CEV470-1, CEV511M, CEV514M, CEV515M, MCLP20, MCLP25, MCLP30, MCLP40, CEV8649GP, DEV9649B5, CEV9649BGP, CEV9649GP, CEV8649-5-B, CEV8649-5N, CEV9646B5, CEV9647B5, CEV9648B5, CEV9649-5-B, CEV9649-5N, CEV10395R, CEV1039G5, CEV618-5N, CEV6185R, CEV638-5N, CEV6385R, CEV720BR, CEV720R, CEV7285R, CEV605-5, CEV8911, CEV8931, CEV8941, CEV8951, CEV8961, CEV8981, CEV520M, CEV525M, CEV531-3, CEV815M, CEV891M, CEV894M, CEV895M, CEV995M, CEV996M, CEV997M, CEV998M, CM107, CM110, CM111, CM111R, CM112, CM113, CM115 and CM120. All batch numbers distributed from January 2011 to February 17, 2016.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    AR, CA, CO, FL, IN, KY, MA, MI, NC, NJ, NY, NM, OH, TN, TX, WA and WI
  • Description du dispositif
    Integra MicroFrance Monopolar and Bipolar Electrosurgical Instruments
  • Manufacturer
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Catalogue No: CEV669E. All batch numbers distributed from January 2011 to February 17, 2016.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    AR, CA, CO, FL, IN, KY, MA, MI, NC, NJ, NY, NM, OH, TN, TX, WA and WI
  • Description du dispositif
    Integra MicroFrance Monopolar and Bipolar Electrosurgical Instruments
  • Manufacturer
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    All unexpired lot numbers for CEM Nosecone Gatalouge No. C6623 and C6636 from 1/1/2010 to present.  CEM" Nosecone, Catalogue No. C6623: 1083655, 1084219, 1084398, 1084399, 1084400, 1084682, 1084683, 1090937, 1091712, 1091714, 1091715, 1093125, 1093126, 1093128, 1093129, 1093471, 1093847, 1094575, 1094740, 1095587, 1095873, 1100237, 1100238, 1101217, 1101547, 1101548, 1102069, 1102070, 1102544, 1102545, 1102546, 1103102, 1103392, 1103444, 1103445, 1103446, 1104264, 1104265, 1105065, 1105066, 1105067, 1110208, 1110311, 1110348, 1110349, 1110473, 1110474, 1110892, 1111760, 1112182, 1112808, 1112809, 1113175, 1113176, 1113177, 1113178, 1113662, 1114112, 1114654, 1114655, 1114656, 1115224, 1115225, 1115499, 1115500, 1115501, 1115853, 1115854, 1120771, 1120772, 1120773, 1120774, 1121141, 1121142, 1121383, 1121627, 1121628, 1122257, 1122259, 1122260, 1123050, 1123312, 1123915, 1124642, 1124643, 1124980, 1125393, 1125394, 1125933, 1130036, 1130037, 1130038, 1130039, 1130218, 1130219, 1130663, 1130664, 1131340, 1131344, 1131986, 1132207, 1132326, 1132327, 1132328, 1132880  CEM" Nosecone, Catalogue No. C6636:  1084216, 1084293, 1084377, 1084680, 1084681, 1090123, 1090124, 1090125, 1090126, 1090660, 1090661, 1090826, 1091395, 1091434, 1091700, 1092388, 1092389, 1092390, 1092391, 1092392, 1093012, 1093013, 1093130, 1093131, 1093472, 1093473, 1093474, 1093824, 1093825, 1093826, 1093827, 1094741, 1095104, 1095105, 1095106, 1095414, 1095415, 1095418, 1095419, 1100239, 1100240, 1100241, 1101220, 1101221, 1102647, 1102648, 1102649, 1102650, 1102651, 1103103, 1103394, 1103395, 1103437, 1103848, 1103851, 1103916, 1103917, 1103919, 1103920, 1103921, 1103922, 1104258, 1104259, 1104260, 1104261, 1104262, 1105068, 1105069, 1105070, 1110333, 1110975, 1110976, 1110977, 1111491, 1111492, 1111493, 1112186, 1112187, 1112211, 1112212, 1112769, 1112770, 1112771, 1113180, 1113181, 1113182, 1113183, 1113184, 1113664, 1113665, 1113666, 1114358, 1114359, 1114657, 1114658, 1114659, 1114660, 1115036, 1115037, 1115038, 1115039, 1115503, 1115504, 1115505, 1115855, 1115856, 1115857, 1115858, 1115859, 1115860, 1120360, 1120361, 1120362, 1120775, 1120776, 1120777, 1121568, 1121729, 1122344, 1122346, 1122347, 1123053, 1123054, 1123497, 1123498, 1123499, 1123500, 1123501, 1124054, 1124055, 1124703, 1124704, 1124705, 1124706, 1124707, 1124710, 1125395, 1125396, 1125397, 1125398, 1125399, 1125400, 1125476, 1125934, 1125935, 1125936, 1125937, 1125938, 1125939, 1130220, 1130221, 1130222, 1130223, 1130834, 1131243, 1131987, 1132777, 1132778, 1132779, 1132780, 1132879, 1133061, 1103850, 1103852, 1103917, 1103918, 1103922, 1104257, 1104263, 1105071, 1110475, 1110476, 1110978, 1111490, 1111493, 1112187, 1112188, 1112212, 1113179, 1113180, 1113663, 1114357, 1114358, 1114659, 1114660, 1115039, 1115502, 1115504, 1115505, 1120776, 1120777, 1121167, 1121168, 1121169, 1121565, 1121566, 1121567, 1122344, 1122743, 1123051, 1123052, 1123497, 1123498, 1123499, 1123500, 1123501, 1123508, 1123509, 1123510, 1123511, 1123512, 1124052, 1124053, 1124707, 1124709
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution - USA Nationwide
  • Description du dispositif
    Integra Cusa Excel Rx Only || CEM" Nosecone || for CUSA¿ Excel System || Product Usage: || Intended for use CUSA Excel/CUSA Excel + Ultrasonic Surgical Aspiration System, CUSA handpiece, and Covidien Force FX Electrosurgical Generator The CUSA Electrosurgical Module (CEM) provides Desiccate Coagulation waveform electrosurgical capability to CUSA Excel handpieces. The CUSA handpiece with the CEM Nosecone works in conjunction with the Force FX generator in surgical procedures where combined ultrasonic dissection and electrosurgical coagulation is desired, either simultaneously or independently.
  • Manufacturer
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