Device Recall Natrelle 133 Series Tissue Expander

  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Serial No. (Lot No.) 11250691 (1030868), 11514564 (1107468), 11560447 (1120606), 14410441 (1745182), 14460177 (1752996), 14651643 (1782042), 14645258 (1781272), 14418851 (1747035), 14663483 (1784601), 14768174 (1800575), 11650852 (1146235), 11759596 (1175538), 11783801 (1181003), PX1195 (583159), VB9805 (1-116051), PG1537 (567007), PH8804 (569489), PK3108 (570078), PK3369 (570134), PK3381 (570134), PK6626 (570491), PK8403 (570651), PL0978 (570658), PL8893 (571285), PM0276 (571744), PM0279 (571744), PM1034 (571785), PM1035 (571785), PR2461 (575450), PU9968 (579552), PW3583 (581746), PY7600 (585517), QA8130 (592961), QD5894 (619680), NX6700 (559633), QE7679 (620372), 11267520 (1034755), QF7608 (620772), QF7606 (620772), QF9587 (621060), QJ6913 (622768), QP0282 (624977), NW1978 (558962), UM5622 (612529A), PK3255 (569968), PK3423 (570136), PK7369 (570539), PP0932 (574053), PR2462 (575450), QF9588 (621060), 11372224 (1076904), 11397846 (1080914), PT8307 (577871), PT8312 (577871), PU3940 (578909), PV9233 (581160), PV9228 (581160), PW8262 (582676), PW8276 (582676), PW3563 (581746), UM3161 (612983), UP7183 (614339), UP7173 (614339), QF7615 (620772), QG7571 (621426), 11237155 (1029108), NX9778 (559999), PN4372 (573203), PA0253 (561356), PW3861 (581836), PW8259 (582676), UN3074 (613518), PG1546 (567007), UW7921 (617765), 11200803 (1001347), 11201052 (1001668), 11206048 (1004514), 11206049 (1004514), 11206681 (1006447), 11250680 (1030868), 11250702 (1030871), 11514565 (1107468), 11250734 (1030876), 11263982 (1034109), 11269159 (1035181), 11269154 (1035181), 11284363 (1038784), 11307159 (1046470), 11348914 (1067365), 11346491 (1068038), 11367799 (1076435), 11406083 (1088212), 11406084 (1088212), 11406085 (1088212), 11424452 (1091673), 11637421 (1129216), 11718948 (1164435), 11729830 (1165720), 11739519 (1171269), 11759602 (1175538), 12477973 (1383846), 12477975 (1383846), 12495792 (1387445), 12567989 (1402594), 13098492 (1513910), 13098502 (1513910), 11247636 (1030431), 11254038 (1031312), 11368096 (1075819), 11458035 (1097974), 11458039 (1097974), 11458341 (1098680), 11478944 (1102774), 11347486 (1067367).
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    US in the state of Canada
  • Description du dispositif
    Natrelle 133 Series Tissue Expanders || Product Usage: || Natrelle 133 Series Tissue Expander is intended for temporary subcutaneous implantation and require periodic, incremental inflation with sterile saline for injection until the desired amount of tissue is developed.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event
