Worldwide Distribution-USA (nationwide) and Pacific countries, and the countries of EEMEA, Canada, Latin America, and Japan.
Description du dispositif
Neptune¿ 2 Rover - ULTRA ~230V ~ 50 Hz 12A || REF 0702-002-000, Rx Caution, consult accompanying documents || Consult instructions for use, Max Vacuum; 21.0 in-Hg, 530 mm-Hg, || The Neptune Waste Management System consists of a mobile rover unit || used to suction and collect fluid waste, small debris and electrocautery || smoke from a surgical site. Mobility allows the rover unit to be || relocated to a waste disposal area where the rovers collection canisters || can be emptied, via the docking station. || Intended to be used in the Operating Room, Surgical Centers and Doctors Offices to collect and dispose of surgical fluid waste as well as collect smoke from electrocautery or laser devices.
Worldwide Distribution-USA (nationwide) and Pacific countries, and the countries of EEMEA, Canada, Latin America, and Japan.
Description du dispositif
Neptune¿ 2 Rover - ULTRA ~120V ~ 60 Hz 12A || REF 0702-001-000, Rx, Caution, consult accompanying documents || Consult instructions for use, Max Vacuum; 21.0 in-Hg, 530 mm-Hg, || The Neptune Waste Management System consists of a mobile rover unit || used to suction and collect fluid waste, small debris and electrocautery || smoke from a surgical site. Mobility allows the rover unit to be || relocated to a waste disposal area where the rovers collection canisters || can be emptied, via the docking station. || Intended to be used in the Operating Room, Surgical Centers and Doctors Offices to collect and dispose of surgical fluid waste as well as collect smoke from electrocautery or laser devices.