catalog number (REF) PI-128, lot number 04116, use by 2008-01, and lot number 05178, use by 2008-09 These two lots of catheters were sold individually and as sterile components of catalog number (REF) 50000, kit lot numbers KC05107, KC05186, KC06002, KC06025, KC06071, KC06060, KC06087, KC06116
Worldwide, including USA, Guam, Australia, Iceland and Italy
Description du dispositif
Taut Intraducer Peritoneal Catheter, 12 Fr x 10 Fr x 20.3 cm; a sterile, Rx peritoneal catheter for single use, individually packaged in a Tyvek/clear pouch; Taut Inc., 2561 Kaneville Ct., Geneva, IL 60134; the individually packaged, sterilirzed catheter was sold in two configurations: || a) catalog number (REF) P.I.-128: 10 catheters per box, 10 boxes per case, and || b) a sterile component of the convenience kit, catalog number (REF) 50000, System One Comprehensive Lap CBDE Kit