
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Product No. AP-06014. Lot Numbers: 12130, 12134, MF3074955, MF3075069, MF3116186,MF3116232, MF3126390, MF4020623, MF4073774, MF4094578, MF4094703, MF4126653, MF5049105,MF5050037, MF5092675, MF5103680, MF6014995, MF6079156, MF6089978.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Nationwide. The firm is NOT recalling from international accounts.
  • Description du dispositif
    Implantable Vascular Access System -- Infusion Ports with Silicone Rubber Catheter. || Latex-Free A Port. 6 Fr. Introducer Kit. || Ref Product No. AP-06014
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Adresse du fabricant
    Arrow International Inc, 2400 Bernville Rd, Reading PA 19605-9607
  • Société-mère du fabricant (2017)
  • Source

570 dispositifs médicaux avec un nom similaire

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  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Lot #71664
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution - U.S. Nationwide in the states of OR, NE, VA, FL, MO, WA, TX and the countries of CZ, GB, NL, MF, DK, IT, IE, DE
  • Description du dispositif
    6534-08N InterActive¿ Implant Open-Tray Transfer Narrow || Part Number: 6534-08N || Product Usage: || Intended Use of Implant Direct Open Tray Transfers are to capture implant position in an elastomeric impression of the mandible or maxilla. Open Tray transfers stay within the Impression material prior to delivery to the laboratory technician.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Device Listing # D040746, FDA Product Code FOZ, Product Code: ASK-45854-PUC, ASK-45854-PSFM, ASK-42854-PCSM and ASK-42854-PBW4 Lot # 23F15F1786, 23F15F1862, 23F15G0818, 23F15J0162, 23F15H0460, 23F15F0943, 23F15G0729, 23F15J1084
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    US Nationwide Distribution: in the states of MA, CA, IL, TN, IL
  • Description du dispositif
    ARROW, ARROWG+ARD AND ARROWG+ARD BLUE PLUS PRESSURE INJECTABLE CENTRAL VENOUS CATHETER. || Product Usage: || Indicated to provide short-term (<30 days) central venous access for treatment of diseases or conditions requiring cental venous access including, but not limited to: multiple infusions of fluids, medications, or chemotherapy, infusion of fluids that are hypertonic, hyperosmolar, or have divergent pH values, frequent blood sampling or blood/blood component infusions, infusion of incompatible medications, central venous pressure monitoring, lack of usable peripheral IV sites, replacement of multiple peripheral sites for IV access and injection of contrast media.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Material # 9408-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010256, 010257, 010438, 010439, 010556, 010557, 010737, 010738, 010739, 010946, 010947, 011037, 011046, 011047, 011048, 011215, 011216, 011217, 011380, 011381, 011383, 011384, 011385, 011675, 011676, 011945, 011946, 011947, 012139, 012140, 012141, 012142, 012353, 012354, 012355, 012356, 012463, 012464, 012465, 012570, 012572, 012573, 012686, 012687, 012688, 012895, 012896, 013074, 013084, 013085, 013122, 013185, 013255, 013256, 013257, 013258, 013477, 013478, 013688, 013894, 013895, 013896, 013897, 014111, 014112, 014113, 014114, 014115, 014134, 014135, 014136, 014199, 014200, 014201, 014202, 014306, 014307, 014308, 014420, 014422, 014423, 014569, 014570, 014571, 014703 & 014805 and Material #9411-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010184, 010440, 010559, 010949, 011052, 011218, 011374, 011386 011720, 011948, 012352, 012459, 012578, 012689, 012894, 013060, 013246, 013468, 013509, 013689, 013891, 014121, 014139, 014168, 014197, 014203, 014310, 014425 & 014617.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution - US (nationwide) Internationally to Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru.
  • Description du dispositif
    ARROW OnControl Bone Marrow Biopsy System Tray, Sterile, Rx only, Manufactured for: Teleflex Medical, || The Arrow OnControl Bone Marrow Aspiration System is intended for bone marrow aspiration of the iliac crest of adult and pediatric patients. The Arrow¿ OnControl Bone Marrow Biopsy System is intended for bone marrow core biopsy of the anterior or posterior iliac crest of adult patients
  • Manufacturer
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Material # 9451-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010183, 010560, 010780, 010951, 010972, 011042, 011050, 011348, 011382, 011583, 011709, 011952, 012343, 012568, 012690, 013071, 013247, 013470, 013692, 013735, 013898, 014125, 014138, 014232, 014312 & 014565 and 9458-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010182, 010436, 010437, 010561, 010562, 010723, 010781, 010782, 010817, 010872, 010893, 010952, 010953, 010964, 010969, 010977, 011039, 011040, 011041, 011060, 011061, 011223, 011378, 011379, 011555, 011556, 011557, 011710, 011711, 011712, 011949, 011950, 011951, 012143, 012144, 012145, 012146, 012344, 012345, 012346, 012460, 012461, 012462, 012575, 012576, 012577, 012691, 012692, 012693, 012897, 012898, 013072, 013086, 013248, 013249, 013250, 013471, 013472, 013473, 013694, 013695, 013696, 013734, 013904, 013905, 013906, 013907, 014116, 014117, 014118, 014119, 014129, 014130, 014131, 014132, 014193, 014194, 014195, 014196, 014313, 014314, 014315, 014402, 014404, 014405, 014406, 014607, 014608 & 014609.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution - US (nationwide) Internationally to Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru.
  • Description du dispositif
    ARROW OnControl Bone Marrow Biopsy System Comprehensive Tray, Sterile, The Arrow OnControl Bone Marrow Aspiration System is intended for bone marrow aspiration of the iliac crest of adult and pediatric patients. The Arrow¿ OnControl Bone Marrow Biopsy System is intended for bone marrow core biopsy of the anterior or posterior iliac crest of adult patients
  • Manufacturer
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Material # 9461-VC-001, Lot numbers: 012579S, 013469S, 011227 & 011492;  Material # 9461-VC-006, 011938, 012694, 013065, 013686 & 014615;  Material # 9462-VC-001, Lot numbers: 010743S, 10778S, 010954S, 012580S & 012891S; Material # 9462-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010444, 010743, 010778, 010954, 011495, 011545, 011582, 011714, 012130, 012581, 013251, 013860, 013893, 014128 & 014316; Material # 9463-VC-001, Lot numbers: 010331S, 010955S, 011716S, 012133S & 013066S; Material # 9463-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010331, 010955, 011513, 011584, 011717, 011834, 012131, 012349, 013070, 013474, 013890, 013899, 014230, 014317 & 014616; Material # 9464-VC-001, Lot numbers: 010445S, 010744S, 010956S, 011718S, 012135S, 012695S & 013262S; Material # 9464-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010445, 010744, 010956, 011051, 011491, 011590, 011719, 011939, 012136, 012350, 012696, 012778, 013252, 013902, 014025, 014120, 014231, 014319, 014453 & 014618; Material # 9465-VC-001, Lot numbers: 010957S, 011940S & 014321S; Material # 9465-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010957, 011496, 011941, 012137, 012351, 013286, 013901 & 014322; Material # 9466-VC-001, Lot numbers: 010333S, 10844S, 010958S, 011722S & 012685S; Material # 9466-VC-006, Lot numbers: 010333, 010844, 010958, 011512, 011544, 011589, 011723, 012129, 012466, 013887, 014123, 014209 & 014323.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution - US (nationwide) Internationally to Brazil, Canada, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru.
  • Description du dispositif
    ARROW OnControl Bone Lesion Biopsy System Tray, Sterile, Rx only, The Arrow OnControl Bone Lesion Biopsy System is intended for bone biopsy of the vertebral body and bone lesions.
  • Manufacturer
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