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Device Recall Medix NatalCare STLX Intensive Care Incubator
Modèle / numéro de série
Serial numbers: 5337; 5336; 5335; 5334; 5333; 5332; 5331; 5330; 5329; 5328; 5327; 5326; 5325; 5324; 5323; 5294; 5293; 5292; 5291; 5290; 5289; 5287; 5283; 5282; 5281; 5280; 5278; 5277; 5276; 5257; 5256; 5255; 5254; 5253; 5252; 5251; 5250; 5249; 5248; 5228; 5227; 5226; 5225; 5224; 5223; 5222; 5221; 5220; 5219; 5214; 5213; 5212; 5211; 5210; 5209; 5139; 5138; 5136; 5135; 5134; 5133; 5132; 5131; 5130; 5129; 5097; 5096; 5057; 5056; 5053; 5051; 5048; 5047; 5046; 5045. Serial numbers were updated in the final status report. They are as follows: 5552; 5551; 5550; 5549; 5510; 5509; 5508;5507; 5506; 5505; 5504; 5389; 5388; 5385; 5383; 5337; 5336; 5335; 5334; 5333; 5332; 5331; 5330; 5329; 5328; 5327; 5326; 5325; 5324; 5323; 5322; 5294; 5293; 5292; 5291; 5290; 5289; 5288; 5287; 5286; 5285; 5284; 5283; 5282; 5281; 5280; 5279; 5278; 5277; 5276; 5257; 5256; 5255; 5254; 5253; 5252; 5251; 5250; 5249; 5248; 5228; 5227; 5226; 5225; 5224; 5223; 5222; 5221; 5220; 5219; 5214; 5213; 5212; 5211; 5210; 5209; 5139; 5138; 5136; 5135; 5134; 5133; 5132; 5131; 5130; and 5129. The following serial numbers were removed: 5097; 5096; 5057; 5056; 5053; 5051; 5048; 5047; 5046; and 5045.
Classification du dispositif
General Hospital and Personal Use Devices
Classe de dispositif
Dispositif implanté ?
Distribution US nationwide and Pakistan.
Description du dispositif
Medix NatalCare ST-LX Intensive Care Incubator. Neonatal incubator.
Natus Medical Incorporated
1 Event
Rappel de Device Recall Medix NatalCare STLX Intensive Care Incubator
{{ $t('card.reduce') }}
{{ $tc('card.more', left) }}
Natus Medical Incorporated
Adresse du fabricant
Natus Medical Incorporated, 5900 1st Ave S, Seattle WA 98108-3248
Société-mère du fabricant (2017)
Natus Medical Incorporated