Device Recall STERRAD Cyclesure Biological Indicator (BI),

  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Lot# 002127, 003127, 005127, 006127, 007127, 008127, 009127, 010127, 011128, 012127, 013127, 014127, 015127, 016127, 018127, 019127, 020127, 021127, 023127, 024127, 025127, 026127, 027127, 028127, 030127, 031127, 032127, 033127, 034127, 035127, 036127, 037127, 038121, 038127 039127, 040127, 041121, 042127, 043127, 044127, 045121, 045127, 046127, 047127, 048127, 049127, 052127, 053121, 053127, 054127, 055121, 056127, 057127, 058127, 059127, 060127, 061127, 062121, 062127, 063127, 064127, 065127, 067127, 068127, 069121, 069127, 070127, 071127, 072127, 073127, 074127, 076121, 077127, 078127, 078128, 079127, 081127, 082127, 084127, 085127, 086121, 086127, 087127, 089127, 090127, 092127, 093121, 094127, 095127, 100121, 100127, 101127, 102127, 104127, 107121, 107127, 107128, 109127, 109128, 110127, 111127, 114121, 114127, 118127, 121121, 121127, 123127, 124127, 125127, 128121, 128127, 129127, 130127, 131127, 132127, 135121, 135127, 136127, 137127, 138127, 139127, 142121, 142127, 143127, 144127, 145127, 146127, 150121, 150127, 151127, 152127, 152128,156127, 157127, 158127, 159127, 160127, 163127, 164127,165127, 339117, 340117, 341117, 342117, 343117, 344117, 345117, 346117, 347117, 348117, 349117, 350117, 351117, 352117, 353117, 354117, 355117, 357117, 360117, 362117, 363117, 364117.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution - USA (nationwide)
  • Description du dispositif
    STERRAD Cyclesure Biological Indicator (BI), P/N 14324 are sold in cases, packaged as part of STERRAD System Validation kits and STERRAD test packs. || The STERRAD CYCLESURE 24 Biological Indicator (BI), P/N 14324 is intended to be used as a standard method for frequent monitoring of the STERRAD Sterilization System cycles.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Adresse du fabricant
    Advanced Sterilization Products, 33 Technology Dr, Irvine CA 92618-2346
  • Société-mère du fabricant (2017)
  • Source