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Stryker Medical StairPRO Stair Chair
Modèle / numéro de série
Serial numbers 080340370, 080340371, 080340372, 080340373, 080340374, 080340375, 080340376, 080340377, 080340378, 080340379, 080340380, 080340381, 080340382, 080340383, 080340384, 080340385, 080340386, 080340387, 080340388, 080340389, 080439732, 080539750, 080539751, 080539752, 080539755, 080539756, 080539757, 080540101, 080540102, 080540103, 080540104, 080540105, 080540106, 080540107, 080540108, 080540109, 080540110, 080540111, 080540112, 080540113, 080540114, 080540115, 080541118, 080541119, 080541120, 080541121, 080541122, 080541123, 080541124, 080541125, 080541126, 080541127, 080541128, 080541129, 080541130, 080541131, 080541132, 080541163, 080541164, 080541165, 080541166, 080541167, 080541168, 080541169, 080541170, 080541171, 080541172, 080541173, 080541174, 080541175, 080541176, 080541177, 080541188, 080541189, 080541190, 080541223, 080541224, 080541225, 080541226, 080541227, 080541228, 080541229, 080541230, 080541231, 080541232, 080541233, 080541234, 080541235, 080541236, 080541237, 080541238, 080541239, 080740000, 080839665, 080839666, 080839667, 080940219, 080940220, 080940221, 080940598, 080940753, 080940754, 080940755, 080940756, 080940757, 080940758, 080940759, 081040840, 081040841, 081040842, 081040843, 081139364, 081139365, 081139366, 081139367, 081139368, 081139369, 081139370, 081139371, 081139372, 081139373, 081139374, 081139375, 081139376, 081139377, 081139378, 081139664, 081140082, 081140083, 081140084, 081140085, 090140100, 090140101, 090140102, 090140103, 090140104, 090140105, 090239555, 090239587, 090240122, 090240123, 090240124, 090240125, 090240126, 090240127, 090240128, 090240129, 090240130, 090240131, 090240132, 090240133, 090240134, 090240135, 090240136, 090240137, 090240138, 090240139, 090240140, 090240141, 090240488, 090240988, 090240989, 090240990, 090240991 and 090240992.
Classification du dispositif
General Hospital and Personal Use Devices
Classe de dispositif
Dispositif implanté ?
Worldwide distribution - Colorado, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland and Switzerland.
Description du dispositif
Stryker Medical Stair-PRO Stair Chair with wheels and a track system, patient transport device, Model 6252.
Stryker Medical Div. of Stryker Corporation
1 Event
Rappel de Stryker Medical StairPRO Stair Chair
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Stryker Medical Div. of Stryker Corporation
Adresse du fabricant
Stryker Medical Div. of Stryker Corporation, 3800 East Centre Ave., Portage MI 49002
Société-mère du fabricant (2017)
Un dispositif médical avec un nom similaire
En savoir plus sur les données
Stryker Medical StairPRO Stair Chair
Modèle / numéro de série
Serial numbers 080639995, 080640003, 081039395, 080639996, 080640004, 081039396, 080639997, 080739856, 081039397, 080639998, 080739857, 081039398, 080639999, 080739858, 081039399, 080640000, 080739859, 081039400, 080640001, 080739860, 081039401, 080640002, 080740001, 081039402, 080439860, 080439861, 080439862, 080439863, 080439864, 080439865, 080439866, 080439867, 080441124, 080439868, 080541216, 080541293, 080541294, 080541295, 080541296, 080541297, 080541298, 081039403, 081039404, 081040900, 081040901, 081040902, 090139365, 090139366, 090139367, 090139368, 090139369, 090139373, 090140687, 090140691, 090140692, 090140693, 090140694, 090140688, 090140695, 090140689, 090140696, 090140690, 090241071, 090241072 and 090241073.
Classification du dispositif
General Hospital and Personal Use Devices
Classe de dispositif
Dispositif implanté ?
Worldwide distribution - Colorado, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland and Switzerland.
Description du dispositif
Stryker Medical Stair-PRO Stair Chair with wheels, patient transport device, Model 6251.
Stryker Medical Div. of Stryker Corporation