catalog 2C8750, lot numbers UR128876 through UR168104. Please note: Baxter lot numbers are represented by an internal reference code ''UR'' followed by a six digit sequential number, or by the letter ''U'' followed by a six digit sequential number with and ''R'' suffix. Any lot number appearing within the identified six digit sequential number range is subject to the recall.
catalog 2C8519, lot numbers UR129585 through UR168716. Please note: Baxter lot numbers are represented by an internal reference code ''UR'' followed by a six digit sequential number, or by the letter ''U'' followed by a six digit sequential number with and ''R'' suffix. Any lot number appearing within the identified six digit sequential number range is subject to the recall.
catalog 2C8851, lot numbers UR141788 through UR167684. Please note: Baxter lot numbers are represented by an internal reference code ''UR'' followed by a six digit sequential number, or by the letter ''U'' followed by a six digit sequential number with and ''R'' suffix. Any lot number appearing within the identified six digit sequential number range is subject to the recall.
Nationwide, Mexico, Canada, Columbia, Australia, New Zealand and Taiwan
Description du dispositif
Clearlink System Nitroglycerin Set with DUO-VENT Spike, 60 drops/mL, 105'', PVC Tubing Segment, Luer Activated Valve, Male Luer Lock Adapter, catalog 2C8851; Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Deerfield, IL 60015 USA
catalog 2C8857, lot numbers UR134353 through UR157545. Please note: Baxter lot numbers are represented by an internal reference code ''UR'' followed by a six digit sequential number, or by the letter ''U'' followed by a six digit sequential number with and ''R'' suffix. Any lot number appearing within the identified six digit sequential number range is subject to the recall.