Worldwide distribution: USA and countries including: Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, France, the UK, Singapore, Germany, Italy, Thailand, China, Korea, Sweden, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Canada and the Philippines.
Description du dispositif
in2it (I) A1c Test Cartridges (Catalog 281-0001EX) and in2it (II) A1c Test Cartridges (Catalog 281-0001), manufactured by Bio-Rad Laboratories Deeside Ltd., Flintshire, UK, distributed by Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA. || The in2it (I) is for Physician use, the (II) is for prescription home use. The products are medical devices used in affinity chromatography method, intended for the in-vitro quantitative determination of A1c (HbA1C) in capillary blood taken from a finger prick. The test is indicated for monitoring the time averaged blood glucose levels of known diabetics, for professional use as an indicator of overall glycemic control.