CareFusion, Boss Instruments

  • Modèle / numéro de série
    1) Instrumed Product Name: McKenzie Enlarging Burr; Instrumed Product Number: 600-00606; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: McKenzie Enlarging Burr; CareFusion Item Number: VM85-1255; Lot Number: 030411.   2) Instrumed Product Name: McKenzie Enlarging Burr; Instrumed Product Number: 600-00606; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: McKenzie Enlarging Burr; Boss InstrumentsItem Number: 74-0144; Lot Number: 060311.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Nationwide Distribution including AZ, CA, FL, IL, KS, MI, NC, OH, PA, TN, TX, and VA.
  • Description du dispositif
    McKenzie enlarging burrs are bone cutting and drilling instruments that are used without a power source on a patient's skull and sold under the CareFusion and Boss Instruments brand names.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Adresse du fabricant
    Instrumed International, Inc., 626 Cooper Ct, Schaumburg IL 60173-4537
  • Société-mère du fabricant (2017)
  • Source

8 dispositifs médicaux avec un nom similaire

En savoir plus sur les données ici

  • Modèle / numéro de série
    1) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome 6 1/4" Retrograde; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05626; Trade Name: Symmetry Surgical; Symmetry Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome 6 1/4" Retrograde; Symmetry Surgical Item Number: 55-8685; Lot Numbers: 030412, 060413, 070513.   2) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome 6 1/4" Retrograde; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05626; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Valvulotome 6 1/4" Retrograde; CareFusion Item Number: 55-8685; Lot Number: 070513.   3) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome 6 1/4" Retrograde; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05626; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 6 1/4"; Boss Instruments Item Number: 65-7048; Lot Numbers: 030412, 060413, 070513, 110411.   4) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05631; Trade Name: Phoenix Instruments; Phoenix Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Phoenix Instruments Item Number: 155-8680; Lot Numbers: 020114, 050114, 060112, 120312.   5) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05631; Trade Name: Autobahn Surgical; Autobahn Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Autobahn Surgical Item Number: 352614A; Lot Number: 120312.   6) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05631; Trade Name: Echo Instruments; Echo Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Echo Instruments Item Number: 558-690; Lot Number: 070513.   7) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05631; Trade Name: Symmetry Surgical; Symmetry Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Symmetry Surgical Item Number: 155-8680; Lot Numbers: 020114, 030314, 050114, 060112, 060214, 070513, 110212, 120312.   8) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05631; Trade Name: Millennium Surgical; Millennium Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Millennium Surgical Item Number: 9-68680; Lot Numbers: 030314, 070513, 120312.   9) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05631; Trade Name: B.B.M. Surgical Instruments; B.B.M. Surgical Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; B.B.M. Surgical Instruments Item Number: BBM8680; Lot Number: 060112.   10) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05631; Trade Name: Stealth Surgical; Stealth Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Stealth Surgical Item Number: SSV21161; Lot Numbers: 040513, 050114, 060112, 070513, 120312.   11) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05631; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; CareFusion Item Number: VM76-8161; Lot Numbers: 020114, 030314, 050114, 070513, 110212, 120312.   12) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05631; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4"; Boss Instruments Item Number: 65-7050 ; Lot Numbers: 050214, 060112, 060214.   13) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 9 1/4" reverse angle; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05631; Trade Name: Medline Industries; Medline Industries Product Name: VALVULOTOME, LEATHER, ANTEGRADE, 2.9 TIP 9.5"; Medline Industries Item Number: MDG0416536; Lot Number: 070513.   14) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05636; Trade Name: Phoenix Instruments; Phoenix Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Phoenix Instruments Item Number: 155-8682; Lot Number: 070212.   15) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05636; Trade Name: Autobahn Surgical; Autobahn Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Autobahn Surgical Item Number: 352613A; Lot Number: 070212.   16) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05636; Trade Name: Medsaver M S I Precision; Medsaver M S I Precision Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Medsaver M S I Precision Item Number: 421637J; Lot Number: 110212.   17) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05636; Trade Name: Symmetry Surgical; Symmetry Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Symmetry Surgical Item Number: 55-8682; Lot Numbers: 020413, 030314, 050114, 060413, 070212, 100313, 110212.   18) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05636; Trade Name: Surgical Direct; Surgical Direct Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Surgical Direct Item Number: 9-68680001; Lot Numbers: 060413, 100313.   19) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05636; Trade Name: Millennium Surgical; Millennium Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Millennium Surgical Item Number: SD8121.103; Lot Numbers: 050114, 060413.   20) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05636; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; CareFusion Item Number: VM76-8163; Lot Numbers: 020413, 030314, 050114, 060413, 070212, 080111, 100313, 110212.   21) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12" cut edge 2 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05636; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome, retro, 12"; Boss Instruments Item Number: 65-7052; Lot Numbers: 050114, 060413.   22) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05656; Trade Name: Phoenix Instruments; Phoenix Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; Phoenix Instruments Item Number: 155-8681; Lot Number: 080111.   23) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05656; Trade Name: Symmetry Surgical; Symmetry Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; Symmetry Surgical Item Number: 55-8681; Lot Numbers: 030314, 040214, 060413, 070212, 080111, 120413.   24) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05656; Trade Name: Millennium Surgical; Millennium Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; Millennium Surgical Item Number: 9-68681; Lot Numbers: 040214, 060413.   25) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05656; Trade Name: B.B.M. Surgical Instruments; B.B.M. Surgical Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; B.B.M. Surgical Instruments Item Number: BBM8681; Lot Number: 050312.   26) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05656; Trade Name: Stealth Surgical; Stealth Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; Stealth Surgical Item Number: SSV21162; Lot Numbers: 060413, 070212.   27) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05656; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; CareFusion Item Number: VM76-8162; Lot Numbers: 030314, 040214, 060413, 120413.   28) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05656; Trade Name: Medline Industries; Medline Industries Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 6 1/4"; Medline Industries Item Number: MDG546940; Lot Number: 060413.   29) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 7"; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05660; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 7"; Boss Instruments Item Number: 65-7051-7; Lot Numbers: 050314, 100313.   30) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome 9 1/4" Antegrade; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05664; Trade Name: Autobahn Surgical; Autobahn Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome 9 1/4" Antegrade; Autobahn Surgical Item Number: 352612A; Lot Number: 090412.   31) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome 9 1/4" Antegrade; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05664; Trade Name: Symmetry Surgical; Symmetry Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome 9 1/4" Antegrade; Symmetry Surgical Item Number: 55-8684; Lot Numbers: 020311, 070513, 090412.   32) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome 9 1/4" Antegrade; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05664; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Valvulotome 9 1/4" Antegrade; CareFusion Item Number: VM76-8150; Lot Numbers: 070513, 090412, 100513.   33) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome 9 1/4" Antegrade; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05664; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome, ante, 9 1/4"; Boss Instruments Item Number: 65-7049; Lot Number: 070513.   34) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome 9 1/4" Antegrade; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05664; Trade Name: Medline Industries; Medline Industries Product Name: Valvulotome, Antegrade 9 1/4" ; Medline Industries Item Number: MDG0416566; Lot Number: 090412.   35) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome Antegrade, 12"; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05669; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome Antegrade, 12" ; Boss Instruments Item Number: 65-7053; Lot Numbers: 020114, 050114, 050312, 060413, 090412.   36) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome Antegrade, 12"; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05669; Trade Name: Phoenix Instruments; Phoenix Instruments Product Name: Valvulotome Antegrade, 12" ; Phoenix Instruments Item Number: 155-8683; Lot Number: 060413.   37) Instrumed Product Name: Valvulotome Antegrade, 12"; Instrumed Product Number: 500-05669; Trade Name: Symmetry Surgical; Symmetry Surgical Product Name: Valvulotome Antegrade, 12" ; Symmetry Surgical Item Number: 55-8683; Lot Number: 020114, 050312, 060413.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Nationwide Distribution including AZ, CA, FL, IL, KS, MI, NC, OH, PA, TN, TX, and VA.
  • Description du dispositif
    An external vein stripper is an extravascular device used to remove a section of a vein sold under the Symmetry Surgical, CareFusion, Boss Instruments, Phoenix Instruments, Autobahn Surgical, Echo Instruments, Millennium Surgical, B.B.M. Surgical Instruments, Stealth Surgical, Medline Industries, Medsaver M S I Precision, and Surgical Direct brand names.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    1) Instrumed Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 3/16" OD; Instrumed Product Number: 590-06491; Trade Name: Millennium Surgical; Millennium Surgical Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 3/16" OD; Millennium Surgical Item Number: 0-48239; Lot Numbers: 020212, 120312.   2) Instrumed Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 3/16" OD; Instrumed Product Number: 590-06491; Trade Name: Symmetry Surgical; Symmetry Surgical Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 3/16" OD; Symmetry Surgical Item Number: 57-6305; Lot Numbers: 020212, 100111, 100213, 120312.   3) Instrumed Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 3/16" OD; Instrumed Product Number: 590-06491; Trade Name: Medline Industries; Medline Industries Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 3/16" OD; Medline Industries Item Number: MDG1806301; Lot Numbers: 020212, 100111.   4) Instrumed Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 3/16" OD; Instrumed Product Number: 590-06491; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 3/16" OD; CareFusion Item Number: VM85-1261; Lot Number: 100111.   5) Instrumed Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 3/16" OD; Instrumed Product Number: 590-06491; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 3/16" OD; Boss Instruments Item Number: 74-0150; Lot Numbers: 020212, 120312.   6) Instrumed Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 3/16" OD; Instrumed Product Number: 590-06491; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 3/16" OD; Boss Instruments Item Number: 74-0150; Lot Numbers: 020212, 120312.   7) Instrumed Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 7/32" OD; Instrumed Product Number: 590-06496; Trade Name: Millennium Surgical; Millennium Surgical Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 7/32" OD; Millennium Surgical Item Number: 0-48240; Lot Numbers: 010312, 090113, 120312.   8) Instrumed Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 7/32" OD; Instrumed Product Number: 590-06496; Trade Name: Symmetry Surgical; Symmetry Surgical Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 7/32" OD; Symmetry Surgical Item Number: 57-6306; Lot Numbers: 010312, 090113, 120312.   9) Instrumed Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 7/32" OD; Instrumed Product Number: 590-06496; Trade Name: Medline Industries; Medline Industries Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 7/32" OD; Medline Industries Item Number: MDG1806306; Lot Number: 010312.   10) Instrumed Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 7/32" OD; Instrumed Product Number: 590-06496; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 7/32" OD; Boss Instruments Item Number: 74-0152; Lot Numbers: 010312, 120312.   11) Instrumed Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 5/16" OD; Instrumed Product Number: 590-06501; Trade Name: Millennium Surgical; Millennium Surgical Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 5/16" OD; Millennium Surgical Item Number: 74-0152; Lot Numbers: 060213, 090411, 110412, 120312.   12) Instrumed Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 5/16" OD; Instrumed Product Number: 590-06501; Trade Name: Symmetry Surgical; Symmetry Surgical Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 5/16" OD; Symmetry Surgical Item Number: 57-6309; Lot Numbers: 060213, 090411, 110412, 120312.   13) Instrumed Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 5/16" OD; Instrumed Product Number: 590-06501; Trade Name: Medline Industries; Medline Industries Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 5/16" OD; Medline Industries Item Number: MDG1884299; Lot Numbers: 090411.   14) Instrumed Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 5/16" OD; Instrumed Product Number: 590-06501; Trade Name: Surgical Direct; Surgical Direct Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 5/16" OD; Surgical Direct Item Number: SD145691.102; Lot Numbers: 060213, 120312.   15) Instrumed Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 5/16" OD; Instrumed Product Number: 590-06501; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 5/16" OD; CareFusion Item Number: VM85-1265; Lot Number: 090411.   16) Instrumed Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 5/16" OD; Instrumed Product Number: 590-06501; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Michele Trephine, 6 1/4", shaft, 5/16" OD; Boss Instruments Item Number: 74-0154; Lot Numbers: 060213, 090411, 110412, 120312.   17) Instrumed Product Name: Michele Trephine 10", customer over all length, 4.8 mm OD; Instrumed Product Number: 590-06506; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Michele Trephine 10", customer over all length, 4.8 mm OD; Boss Instruments Item Number: 74-0155; Lot Number: 090411.   18) Instrumed Product Name: Michele Trephine 10", customer over all length, 5.5 mm OD; Instrumed Product Number: 590-06506; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Michele Trephine 10", customer over all length, 5.5 mm OD; Boss Instruments Item Number: 74-0156; Lot Number: 020213, 030111.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Nationwide Distribution including AZ, CA, FL, IL, KS, MI, NC, OH, PA, TN, TX, and VA.
  • Description du dispositif
    Manual trephines are bone cutting and drilling instruments that are used without a power source on a patient's skull and sold under the Millennium Surgical, Symmetry Surgical, Medline Industries, CareFusion, Boss Instruments, and Surgical Direct brand names.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    1) Instrumed Product Name: Hudson Burr, 9 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 600-00549; Trade Name: Symmetry Surgical; Symmetry Surgical Product Name: Hudson Burr, 9 mm; Symmetry Surgical Item Number: 57-6009; Lot Number: 030211.   2) Instrumed Product Name: Hudson Burr, 9 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 600-00549; Trade Name: Medfix International; Medfix International Product Name: Hudson Burr, 9 mm; Medfix International Item Number: MF223-1612; Lot Number: 060410.   3) Instrumed Product Name: Hudson Burr, 9 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 600-00549; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Hudson Burr, 9 mm; CareFusion Item Number: VM85-1235; Lot Number: 030211.   4) Instrumed Product Name: Hudson Burr, 9 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 600-00549; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Hudson Burr, 9 mm; Boss Instruments Item Number: 74-0124; Lot Number: 060410.   5) Instrumed Product Name: Hudson Burr, 10 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 600-00553; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Hudson Burr, 10 mm; Boss Instruments Item Number: 74-0125; Lot Number: 030305.   6) Instrumed Product Name: Hudson Burr, 14 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 600-00561; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Hudson Burr, 14 mm; CareFusion Item Number: H-0343; Lot Numbers: 110212, 120313.   7) Instrumed Product Name: Hudson Burr, 14 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 600-00561; Trade Name: Medline Industries; Medline Industries Product Name: Hudson Burr, 14 mm; Medline Industries Item Number: MDG1199404; Lot Number: 030213.   8) Instrumed Product Name: Hudson Burr, 14 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 600-00561; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Hudson Burr, 14 mm; Boss Instruments Item Number: 74-0126; Lot Number: 120313.   9) Instrumed Product Name: Hudson Burr, 16 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 600-00566; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Hudson Burr, 16 mm; Boss Instruments Item Number: 74-0128; Lot Number: 110111.   10) Instrumed Product Name: Hudson Burr, 22 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 600-00571; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Hudson Burr, 22 mm; CareFusion Item Number: VM85-1241; Lot Number: 110212.   11) Instrumed Product Name: Hudson Burr, 22 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 600-00571; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Hudson Burr, 22 mm; Boss Instruments Item Number: 74-0130; Lot Number: 110212.   12) Instrumed Product Name: Hudson Burr, 16 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 606-00566; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Hudson Burr, 16 mm; CareFusion Item Number: VM85-12391; Lot Number: 050108.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Nationwide Distribution including AZ, CA, FL, IL, KS, MI, NC, OH, PA, TN, TX, and VA.
  • Description du dispositif
    Hudson burrs are bone cutting and drilling instruments that are used without a power source on a patient's skull and sold under the Symmetry Surgical, Medfix International, CareFusion, Boss Instruments, and Medline Industries brand names.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    1) Instrumed Product Name: McKenzie Perforator Drill, 13 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 600-00591; Trade Name: Phoenix Instruments; Phoenix Instruments Product Name: McKenzie Perforator Drill, 13 mm; Phoenix Instruments Item Number: 157-6043; Lot Number: 070412.   2) Instrumed Product Name: McKenzie Perforator Drill, 13 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 600-00591; Trade Name: Stealth Surgical; Stealth Surgical Product Name: McKenzie Perforator Drill, 13 mm; Stealth Surgical Item Number: SS2151; Lot Number: 070412.   3) Instrumed Product Name: McKenzie Perforator Drill, 13 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 600-00591; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: McKenzie Perforator Drill, 13 mm; CareFusion Item Number: VM85-1235; Lot Number: 030211.   4) Instrumed Product Name: McKenzie Perforator Drill, 13 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 600-00591; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: McKenzie Perforator Drill, 13 mm; CareFusion Item Number: VM85-1251; Lot Number: 050111.   5) Instrumed Product Name: McKenzie Perforator Drill, 13 mm; Instrumed Product Number: 600-00591; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: McKenzie Perforator Drill, 13 mm; Boss Instruments Item Number: 74-0140; Lot Number: 070412.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Nationwide Distribution including AZ, CA, FL, IL, KS, MI, NC, OH, PA, TN, TX, and VA.
  • Description du dispositif
    McKenzie Perforator Drills are bone cutting and drilling instruments that are used without a power source on a patient's skull and sold under the Phoenix Instruments, Stealth Surgical, CareFusion, and Boss Instruments brand names.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    1) Instrumed Product Name: Replacement Screw Non-Springloaded, Traction Tong; Instrumed Product Number: 630-05429; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Gardener-Wells Fixation Screws Fixation Screw Non-Springloaded; CareFusion Item Number: NL9506; Lot Numbers: 010113, 020512, 050514, 060213, 070213, 070413, 120413.   2) Instrumed Product Name: Replacement Screw Non-Springloaded, Traction Tong; Instrumed Product Number: 630-05429; Trade Name: Boss Instruments; Boss Instruments Product Name: Replacement Screw Non-Springloaded for 74-0180; Boss Instruments Item Number: 74-0185; Lot Numbers: 010113, 020512, 060213, 120413.   3) Instrumed Product Name: Replacement Screw Non-Springloaded, Traction Tong; Instrumed Product Number: 630-05429; Trade Name: Millennium Surgical; Millennium Surgical Product Name: Replacement Screw Non-Springloaded, Traction Tong; Millennium Surgical Item Number: 6-1948; Lot Numbers: 020512, 070213, 120413.   4) Instrumed Product Name: Replacement Screw Non-Springloaded, Traction Tong; Instrumed Product Number: 630-05429; Trade Name: Prezio Health; Prezio Health Product Name: Replacement Screw Non-Springloaded, Traction Tong; Prezio Health Item Number: 85-1296; Lot Number: 020512.   5) Instrumed Product Name: Replacement Screw Non-Springloaded, Traction Tong; Instrumed Product Number: 630-05429; Trade Name: Stealth Surgical; Stealth Surgical Product Name: Replacement Screw Non-Springloaded, Traction Tong; Stealth Surgical Item Number: SS2193B; Lot Numbers: 020512, 120413.   6) Instrumed Product Name: Replacement Screw Non-Springloaded, Traction Tong; Instrumed Product Number: 630-05429; Trade Name: CareFusion; CareFusion Product Name: Replacement Screw Non-Springloaded, Traction Tong; CareFusion Item Number: VM85-1296; Lot Numbers: 010113, 010412, 020512.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Nationwide Distribution including AZ, CA, FL, IL, KS, MI, NC, OH, PA, TN, TX, and VA.
  • Description du dispositif
    Replacement screw non-springloaded traction tongs are skull tongs for traction used to immobilize a patient with a cervical spine injury (e.g., fracture or dislocation) and sold under the CareFusion, Boss Instruments, Millennium Surgical, Prezio Health, and Stealth Surgical brand names.
  • Manufacturer
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