All Lots (773 lots in US, 894 in Europe, 263 in Asia Pacifiic, 111 in China & 184 in Canada). Each product is clearly identified with a lot number and expiration date, which is displayed on either the outer top or bottom panel of the unit carton and on two case labels on the case shipper. In addition, each bottle is clearly identified with a lot number and expiration date. The first digit of the lot number denotes the identification of the AMO manufacturing site, Z = Hangzhou, China, A = Alcobendas, Spain. The second digit denotes the year of manufacture (A= 2005, B = 2006, C = 2007) per AMO Standard Operating Procedure. The third through the seventh digits denote the sequential number of production orders produced in either the Hangzhou, China or Alcobendas, Spain facility in that year, starting with 00001. Note that several product lines use this lot numbering system in each facility, so the sequential numbering is not unique to any specific product or formulation. As an example, ZB01234, the lot number represents the 1,234th production order initiated in the Hangzhou, China facility in 2006.
Worldwide including USA, Canada, Europe, Japan, China and various Asia Pacific countries (to include Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Malaysia, Pakistan and the Philippines).
Description du dispositif
COMPLETE MOISTUREPLUS MULTIPURPOSE SOLUTION, Formula 9451X; || (A) Fourteen US Product Numbers distributed under the COMPLETE MOISTUREPLUS MULTIPURPOSE SOLUTION brand include: 90104 (MoisturePLUS, 12 oz ), 90105 || (MoisturePLUS, 2 X 12 oz), 90106 (Complete MoisturePLUS Lens Comfort Pack), 90168 (Complete MoisturePLUS 2 oz Starter Kit + Lens Case), 90169TR (Complete MoisturePLUS, 2 X 16 oz, TRAY), 90170 (Complete MoisturePLUS, 4 oz + Lens Case), 93184 (Active Pack, Complete MoisturePLUS 2 oz & B-N-C 5m1 + Lens Case), 93185 (Complete MoisturePLUS, 12 oz, BEAUTIFUL EYES PROMO), 93186 (Complete MoisturePLUS, 2 X 12 oz, BEAUTIFUL EYE PROMO), 93187 (Complete MoisturePLUS, 2 X 16 oz, BEAUTIFUL EYES PROMO), 93220 (Rejuvenate Kit -contains Complete MoisturePLUS 90174), || 93221 (Complete MoisturePLUS, 12 oz + Blink Sample), 93280 (Complete Starter Kit -2 oz Complete MoisturePLUS + Lens Case), 93341 (Complete MoisturePLUS, 4 oz); || (B) The same formula (9451X) was sold in (1)Canada (Product Numbers:90113EC, 90175QW, 90176EC, 90177EC, 90187EC & 90197EC), (2)Europe (Product Numbers:90086DF, 90086FC, 90086SA, 90089AX, 90089FP, 90089GB, 90089NR, 90090EQ, 90090GM, 90090RR, 90090RY, 90091EG, 90091GB, 90091GM, 90091KZ, 90091NR, 90091RH, 9009SA, 90096AX, 90096EJ, 90096EQ, 90096EW, 90096FL, 90096FP, 90096GB, 90096GM, 90096LM, 90096RW, 90096RY, 90096SA, 90109FM, 90110EW, 90110FC, 90110FL, 90110KK, 90110KKD, 90115AX, 90115EW, 90115FP, 90115GB, 90115GM, 90115KH, 90117FP, 90117RH, 90118RR, 90119GM, 90119RH, 90124XQ, 90157KK, 90157KKD, 93099EQ, 93099RW, 93136LM, 93137LM, 93365GB & 93365NR) , (3)China (Product Numbers:90281CH, 90282CH, 90283CH, 93095CH, 93191CH, 93262CH, 93283CH, 93404CH, 93407CH, 93416CH & 93464CH) & (4)Various Asia Pacific countries (to include Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Malaysia, Pakistan and the Philippines) under Product Numbers:90104, 90190ED, 90192ED, 90193ED, 90194ED, 90195ED, 90228ED, 90281AS, 90281KO, 90282AS, 90282KO, 90283AS, 90283KO, 90283UT, 93126AS, 93126KO, 93126UT, 93233UT, 93262AS, 93375AS, 93376AS, 93377AS, 93378AS, 93378AS, 93379AS & 93447AS