3.5mm LCP Periarticular Proximal Humerus Plates

  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Catalog/model numbers: 02.123.020, 02.123.020S, 02.123..021, 02.123.021S, 02.123.022, 02.123.022S, 02.123.023, 02.123.023S, 02.123.024, 02.123.024S, 02.123.025, 02.123.025S, 02.123.026, 02.123.026S, 02.123.027, 02.123.027S, 02.123.028, 02.123.028S, 02.123.029, 02.123.029S, 02.123.030, 02.123.030S, 02.123.031, 02.123.031S, 02.123.032, 02.123.032S, 02.123.033, 02.123.033S, 02.123.040, 02.123.040S, 02.123.041, 02.123.041S, 02.123.042, 02.123.042S, 02.123.043, and 02.123.043S. Lot numbers range form 6371761 through 6443098.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide distribution: USA and countries including: Bermuda, Korea, Italy, Japan, Georgia, Qatar and Turkey
  • Description du dispositif
    3.5mm LCP Periarticular Proximal Humerus Plates || Indicated for fractures and fracture dislocations, osteotomies, and nonunions of the proximal humerus, particularly for patients with osteopenic bone
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Adresse du fabricant
    Synthes USA (HQ), Inc., 1302 Wrights Ln E, West Chester PA 19380-3417
  • Société-mère du fabricant (2017)
  • Source