Worldwide Distribution --- USA including states of CA, KY, FL, TX, OH, OR, NY, ID NJ, NE, LA, WI, UT, MO, MS, GA, AZ and countries of United Kingdom, Italy, Puerto Rico, Turkey, Spain, Japan, South Africa, and Belgium.
Description du dispositif
3.5mm X 32.5mm Cortical Screw used with the Polarus Humeral Fixation System,. Product labeled in part, "Polarus Humeral Fixation System& SIZE: 3.5mm X 32.5mm Cortical Screw... REF HCO3325-S... Acumed 5885 NW Cornelius Pass Road Hillsboro, OR 97124-9432 ". || Polarus Humeral Fixation System, 3.5mm X 32.5mm Cortical Screw are packaged in a sterile inner package which are placed into an outer box. The cortical screws are used with the Polarus Locking Humeral Rod (Polarus Huemral Fixation System) for the multi-planar fixation. The screws are sold individually to support the Polarus Locking Humeral Rod systems in the field.