Device Recall Zimmer

  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Item numbers: 7210-22-000; 7210-22-350; 7210-22-800; 7210-26-000; 7210-26-035; 7210-26-350; 7210-26-800; 7210-28-000; 7210-28-004; 7210-28-400; 7210-28-800; 7210-32-000; 7210-32-004; 7210-32-400; 7210-32-800.  Lot #'s:  61487412, 61516918, 61525215, 61533617, 61582735, 61417397, 61487413, 61417398, 61393996, 61393997, 61417401, 61417402, 61487414, 61487415, 61487416, 61487417, 61487418, 61487420, 61487422, 61487423, 61495211, 61495212, 61500247, 61516884, 61516885, 61516886, 61516888, 61525212, 61525213, 61533606, 61533607, 61533608, 61538022, 61538024, 61538026, 61554502, 61565073, 61565079, 61565081, 61565082, 61582736, 61417403, 61487424, 61487425, 61487426, 61495218, 61516903, 61516904, 61525214, 61533612, 61565084, 61565085, 61577701, 61582737, 61417399, 61487427, 61487428, 61487429, 61495210, 61516881, 61516882, 61533605, 61538021, 61543660, 61565071, 61565072, 61487443, 61565088, 61487447, 61487450, 61500252, 61525210, 61533616, 61565091, 61565104, 61582738, 61487453, 61500245, 61525209, 61565102, 61394048, 61487455, 61500250, 61538042, 61577704, 61487456, 61565101, 61382197, 61394027, 61394029, 61417404, 61417405, 61487571, 61487572, 61487573, 61487574, 61487575, 61487576, 61487577, 61495217, 61516893, 61516894, 61516896, 61516897, 61516898, 61525224, 61525225, 61525226, 61533610, 61538041, 61543661, 61565106, 61565112, 61565119, 61565125, 61382207, 61393990, 61417407, 61487578, 61487579, 61487580, 61487581, 61495237, 61516921, 61516922, 61525230, 61538057, 61543828, 61565116, 61565124, 61582745, 61394050, 61417406, 61487582, 61487583, 61487584, 61500251, 61516927, 61525227, 61525228, 61565109, 61565121, 61402292, 61487585, 61516917, 61525229, 61565122
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Domestic: AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CT, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MS, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, NC, ND, NE, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, WI, WV, WY International: Canada, Japan
  • Description du dispositif
    CoCr Femoral Head - indicated for hip arthroplasty for noncemented use in skeletally mature invididuals undergoing primary surgery for rehabilitating hips damaged as a result of noninflammatory degenerative joint disease
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Adresse du fabricant
    Zimmer Gmbh, Sulzer Allee 8, Winterthur Switzerland
  • Société-mère du fabricant (2017)
  • Commentaire du fabricant
    “The safety of patients has always been, and continues to be, Zimmer Biomet’s top priority and it is our honor to be a leader in this industry for the past 90 years,” Zimmer Biomet told ICIJ in a statement. “We adhere to strict regulatory standards, and work closely with the FDA and all applicable regulatory agencies in each of our regions as part of our commitment to operating a first-rate quality management system across our global manufacturing network. The company added that it is focused on staying at the forefront of innovation and doing right by the millions of patients who rely on the company’s products.
  • Source

263 dispositifs médicaux avec un nom similaire

En savoir plus sur les données ici

  • Modèle / numéro de série
    LOTS: 63252354 63283819 63308551 63252355 63312340 63252350 63283820 63243831
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide distribution. US nationwide, Korea, Japan, Argentina, Brazil, Singapore, Taiwan, China, El Salvador, Australia, India, Hong Kong, Chile, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, UK, Sweden, Canada.
  • Description du dispositif
    Zimmer Plates and Screws (ZPS) || 3.5 mm Cortical Screw SelfTapping, 10 mm Length 47483501001 || 3.5 mm Cortical Screw SelfTapping, 14 mm Length 47483501401 || 3.5 mm Cortical Screw SelfTapping, 16 mm Length 47483501601 || 3.5 mm Cortical Screw SelfTapping, 24 mm Length 47483502401 || 3.5 mm Cortical Screw SelfTapping, 30 mm Length 47483503001 || 3.5 mm Cortical Screw SelfTapping, 40 mm Length 47483504001 || 3.5 mm Cortical Screw SelfTapping, 75 mm Length 47483507501
  • Manufacturer
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    LOT: 63292596
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide distribution. US nationwide, Korea, Japan, Argentina, Brazil, Singapore, Taiwan, China, El Salvador, Australia, India, Hong Kong, Chile, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, UK, Sweden, Canada.
  • Description du dispositif
    Zimmer Plates and Screws (ZPS) || 2.7 mm Cortical Screw SelfTapping, 14 mm Length 47482701401
  • Manufacturer
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    LOT: 63297474
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide distribution. US nationwide, Korea, Japan, Argentina, Brazil, Singapore, Taiwan, China, El Salvador, Australia, India, Hong Kong, Chile, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, UK, Sweden, Canada.
  • Description du dispositif
    Zimmer universal locking system (ULS) 3.5 mm cortical screw selftapping 18 mm length 47493501801
  • Manufacturer
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    LOT: 63146423
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide distribution. US nationwide, Korea, Japan, Argentina, Brazil, Singapore, Taiwan, China, El Salvador, Australia, India, Hong Kong, Chile, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, UK, Sweden, Canada.
  • Description du dispositif
    Periarticular plating system, cancellous bone screw, partially threaded, hex head, 4.0 mm diameter, 16 mm length || 47234702116
  • Manufacturer
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    LOTS: 63303573 63282072 63303577 63303574 63296633 63295456 63296634 63198636 63295464 63296636 63296638 63301486 63301487 63301489 63296639 63248519 63298802 63298803 63287869 63248522 63317364 63317363 63248525 63298795 63320881 63287871 63317168 63248527 63317167 63287874 63248531 63248532 63248535 63248537 63293690 63293693 63293694 63305250 63298784 63284871 63298783 63249226 63305251 63312141
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide distribution. US nationwide, Korea, Japan, Argentina, Brazil, Singapore, Taiwan, China, El Salvador, Australia, India, Hong Kong, Chile, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, UK, Sweden, Canada.
  • Description du dispositif
    Zimmer Plates and Screws (ZPS) || 4.0 mm Cancellous Screw Fully Threaded, 12 mm Length 47484001200 || 4.0 mm Cancellous Screw Fully Threaded, 14 mm Length 47484001400 || 4.0 mm Cancellous Screw Fully Threaded, 16 mm Length 47484001600 || 4.0 mm Cancellous Screw Fully Threaded, 18 mm Length 47484001800 || 4.0 mm Cancellous Screw Fully Threaded, 20 mm Length 47484002000 || 4.0 mm Cancellous Scrwe Fully Threaded, 22 mm Length 47484002200 || 4.0 mm Cancellous Screw Fully Threaded, 26 mm Length 47484002600 || 4.0 mm Cancellous Screw Fully Threaded, 30 mm Length 47484003001 || 4.0 mm Cancellous Screw Fully Threaded, 32 mm Length 47484003200 || 4.0 mm Cancellous Screw Fully Threaded, 36 mm Length 47484003600 || 4.0 mm Cancellous Screw Fully Threaded, 40 mm Length 47484004000 || 4.0 mm Cancellous Screw Fully Threaded, 45 mm Length 47484004500 || 4.0 mm Cancellous Screw Fully Threaded, 50 mm Length 47484005000 || 4.0 mm Cancellous Screw Fully Threaded, 55 mm Length 47484005500 || 4.0 mm Cancellous Screw Fully Threaded, 60 mm Length 47484006000 || 4.5 mm Cortical Screw SelfTapping, 16 mm Length 47484501601 || 4.5 mm Cortical Screw SelfTapping, 18 mm Length 47484501801 || 4.5 mm Cortical Screw Self-Tapping, 20 mm Length 47484502001 || 4.5 mm Cortical Screw Self-Tapping, 22 mm Length 47484502201 || 4.5 mm Cortical Screw SelfTapping, 24 mm Length 47484502401 || 4.5 mm Cortical Screw SelfTapping, 26 mm Length 47484502601 || 4.5 mm Cortical Screw SelfTapping, 28 mm Length 47484502801 || 4.5 mm Cortical Screw SelfTapping, 34 mm Length 47484503401 || 4.5 mm Cortical Screw SelfTapping, 38 mm Length 47484503801 || 4.5 mm Cortical Screw SelfTapping, 40 mm Length 47484504001 || 4.5 mm Cortical Screw SelfTapping, 42 mm Length 47484504201 || 4.5 mm Cortical Screw SelfTapping, 54 mm Length 47484505401 || 4.5 mm Cortical Screw Self-Tapping, 58 mm Length 47484505801 || 4.5 mm Cortical Screw SelfTapping, 64 mm Length 47484506401 || 4.5 mm Cortical Screw SelfTapping, 66 mm Length 47484506601 || 4.5 mm Cortical Screw SelfTapping, 68 mm Length 47484506801 || 4.5 mm Cortical Screw SelfTapping, 70 mm Length 47484507001 || 6.5 mm Cancellous Screw Fully Threaded, 45 mm Length 47486504500 || 6.5 mm Cancellous Screw Fully Threaded, 55 mm Length 47486505500 || 6.5 mm Cancellous Screw Fully Threaded, 60 mm Length 47486506000 || 6.5 mm Cancellous Screw, 32 mm Thread Length, 60 mm Length 47486506002 || 6.5 mm Cancellous Screw Fully Threaded, 65 mm Length 47486506500 || 6.5 mm Cancellous Screw, 32 mm Thread Length, 65 mm Length 47486506502 || 6.5 mm Cancellous Screw Fully Threaded, 70 mm Length 47486507000 || 6.5 mm Cancellous Screw, 16 mm Thread Length, 80 mm Length 47486508001 || 6.5 mm Cancellous Screw, 32 mm Thread Length, 80 mm Length 47486508002 || 6.5 mm Cancellous Screw, 32 mm Thread Length, 85 mm Length 47486508502
  • Manufacturer
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