Device Recall Victory 10, 3 Wheel (SC610)

  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Victory 10, 3 Wheel
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution-USA (nationwide) including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico and the states of AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, and WY and countries of Australia, Canada, France, and United Kingdom.
  • Description du dispositif
    Victory 10, 3 Wheel (SC610) || Mobility medical device
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Adresse du fabricant
    Pride Mobility Products Corp, 182 Susquehanna Ave, Exeter PA 18643
  • Société-mère du fabricant (2017)
  • Source