Device Recall 3T 16ch FlexSPEEDER Coil

  • Modèle / numéro de série
    "Neocoil  serial Number"  046-4-0012 046-4-0013 046-4-0014 046-4-0015 046-4-0016 046-4-0017 046-4-0018 046-4-0019 046-4-0020 046-4-0021 046-4-0022 046-4-0023 046-4-0024 046-4-0025 046-4-0026 046-4-0027 046-4-0028 046-4-0029 046-4-0030 046-4-0031 046-4-0032 046-4-0033 046-4-0034 046-4-0035 046-4-0036 046-4-0037 046-4-0038 046-4-0039 046-4-0040 046-4-0041 046-4-0042 046-4-0043 046-4-0044 046-4-0045 046-4-0046 046-4-0047 046-4-0048 046-4-0049 046-4-0050
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution - US and Internationally to Georgia, Germany, Korea, Netherlands, Pakistan, Spain, Japan, and the United Kingdom.
  • Description du dispositif
    3T 16ch Flex SPEEDER Coil, Large, NeoCoil Part Number NC046200, Toshiba Medical Systems Model MJAJ-222A. The NeoCoil 3T 16ch Flex SPEEDER Coils are tuned to receive RF frequency corresponding to the proton precession in a 3 tesla magnetic field, which is governed by the Larmor equation. || To be used in conjunction with Toshiba 3T Magnetic Resonance Scanners with ODU connectors to produce diagnostic images of the upper and lower extremities, chest, abdomen, pelvis, head, neck and spine that can be interpreted by a trained physician.
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


  • Adresse du fabricant
    NeoCoil, LLC, N27W23910 Paul Rd Ste A, Pewaukee WI 53072-6204
  • Société-mère du fabricant (2017)
  • Source