USA (nationwide) Distribution to the states of : ( DuraDiagnost) to the states of : OH, CA, WA and NE. (DigitalDiagnost) to the states of : AK, AZ, AL, CA, CT, CO, DE, FL, GA, HI, ID, KY, LA, MA, MN, MD, MS, ME, MO, NE, NY, ND, OH and PA.
Description du dispositif
Philips Healthcare DuraDiagnost stationary X-ray system
Worldwide Distribution - Nationwide Distribution and the countries of Australia, Austria, Argentina, Canada, China, Chile, Colombia Czech Republic, Great Britain, Germany, Egypt, Finland, France, India, Ireland, Japan, Malaysia, Macedonia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nepal, Peru, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia Singapore, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain, United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom.