Dispositifs médicaux

Nom Classification Fabricant Classe de risque Pays Source
Cepheid´S Xpert-Abl Ultra manufacturer #121 Colombia
MICROSCAN POS COMBO PANEL TYPE 34 manufacturer #121 Colombia
Xpert HIV-1 Viral Load manufacturer #121 Colombia
XPERT MTB/RIF ULTRA manufacturer #121 Colombia
transcutaneous monitoring system manufacturer #121 Colombia
Access Free T3, Access Total T3, Access Free T4, Access GI Monitor (GI Mon), Access Thyroglobulin (Tg), Access Thyroglobulin Antibody II (TgAbII) manufacturer #121 Colombia
Access Intrinsic Factor Antibody (IFAb) manufacturer #121 Colombia
Measurement system for blood gases, electrolytes and metabolites manufacturer #121 Colombia
AQT90 Flex Analyzer manufacturer #121 Colombia
System for measuring blood gases, electrolytes and metabolites manufacturer #121 Colombia
linear system of transport of samples manufacturer #121 Colombia
Cell Analysis System Hematology and Pathology Devices manufacturer #121 Colombia
iChemVELOCITY Urine Chemistry Strips manufacturer #121 Colombia
Access hsTnI manufacturer #121 Colombia
Xpert CT/NG Assay manufacturer #121 Colombia
Flow Cytometer Hematology and Pathology Devices manufacturer #121 Colombia
Polypectomy device manufacturer #121 Colombia
Filmarray Blood Culture Identification BCID Panel and Botella Bactalert Fa Plus, Botella Bactalert Fn Plus and Botella Bactalert Pf Plus manufacturer #121 Colombia
Filmarray Gastrointestinal GI Panel manufacturer #121 Colombia
Film Array Blood Culture Identification BCID Panel manufacturer #121 Colombia
Nuclisens Easymag Lysis Buffer manufacturer #121 Colombia
etest® teicoplanine 256 (TP) manufacturer #121 Colombia
a muller hinton e agar manufacturer #121 Colombia
antimicrobial susceptibility test E TEST manufacturer #121 Colombia
NucliSENS® easyMAG® Magnetic Silica Hematology and Pathology Devices manufacturer #121 Colombia