
Un dispositif médical dans la base de données

  • Modèle / numéro de série
  • Description du dispositif
    The following model (REF number) and LOT numbers are affected:REF number LOT number NHS Supply Chain Code 7150000, 7151000, 7151001, 7152000, 7152007, 7152060, 7153000, 7154000, 7155000, 7156000 All lot numbers up to and including lot 370253 7150000 is FDE656, 7152000 is FDE658, 7153000 is FDD4288 7152003 All lot numbers up to and including lot 1170673 n/a 7150006, 7151006, 7152004, 7152005, 7152006, 7152009, 7152012, 7152014, 7152061, 7153006, 7153008 All lot numbers up to and including lot 31753734 n/a 7150170, 7151170, 7152170, 7152172, 7153170 All lot numbers up to and including lot 170504 n/a

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