Enquiries to AEI Inc or Trilucent Care Centre should be addressed to:Ann Richardson, AEI IncChiltern Court, 37 St Peters Avenue, Caversham, Berkshire RG4 7DHTel: 0118 9469 100Fax: 0118 9461 010E-mail: Annricha@aol.comSue Warburton
Trilucent Care Centre
FreepostAnchorage 3, Anchorage Quay, Salford Quays M5 2XLTel: 0845 608 0808Note:The Trilucent Care Centre was set up in 2000 for the care of women with Trilucent breast implants, including arranging payment of any incurred costs.
The Trilucent Care Centre will close on 31 December 2004, after which date AEI Inc will take responsibility for these functions.
Trilucent (soya bean oil filled) breast implants.Trilucent (soya bean oil filled) breast implants manufactured by Lipomatrix Inc. Subsequently the product liability was taken on by Collagen Aesthetics International and then by AEI Inc. These implants were withdrawn from use in the UK in March 1999.