
Un dispositif médical dans la base de données

  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Model Number: CC, Universal - 80033UNN0 CC, Universal, RS232 - 80033UNN1 CC, Universal, Dedicated - 80033UND0 CC, Universal, Dedicated, RS232 - 80033UND1 CC Syringe Pump with Plus Software - 8003MED01 CC with Guardrails Safety Software, Universal, Dedicated - 80033UND0-G CC with Guardrails Safety Software, Universal, Dedicated, RS232 - 80033UND1-G CC Guardrails Syringe Pump with Plus Software - 8003MED01-G CC Syringe Pump with Plus Software - 8003TIG01 CC Guardrails Syringe Pump with Plus Software - 8003TIG01-G GH, Universal - 80023UN00 GH, Universal, RS232 - 80023UN01 GH Syringe Pump with Plus Software - 8002MED01 GH with Guardrails Safety Software, Universal - 80023UN00-G GH with Guardrails Safety Software, Universal, RS232 - 80023UN01-G GH Guardrails Syringe Pump with Plus Software - 8002MED01-G GH Syringe Pump with Plus Software - 8002TIG01 GH Guardrails Syringe Pump with Plus Software - 8002TIG01-G GS, Universal - 80013UN00 GS, Universal, RS232 - 80013UN01 PK Syringe Pump, Universal - 80053UN01 TIVA, Universal, RS232 - 80043UN01 Serial Number: Všechna
  • Description du dispositif
    Electromechanical medical devices

115 fabricants avec un nom similaire

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