• Modèle / numéro de série
    1T and 3T
  • Description du dispositif
    It is a portable refrigeration and heating device with 2 or 3 circuits (independent of the water connections) indicated for use with a heart-lung machine or for controlling the temperature of the water circuits during an extracorporeal perfusion. includes water circuits to control the temperature of the blood (in the oxygenator), in thermal or hypothermic blankets or in the cardioplegia solutions
  • Manufacturer
  • 1 Event


37 dispositifs médicaux avec un nom similaire

En savoir plus sur les données ici

  • Modèle / numéro de série
  • Description du dispositif
    The heat exchanger for cardioplegia is used for the regulation of the temperature of cardioplegic-osseous solutions and crystalloid cardioplegic solutions during extracorporeal circulation.
  • Manufacturer
  • Modèle / numéro de série
  • Description du dispositif
    It is a portable refrigeration and heating device with 2 or 3 circuits (independent of the water connections) indicated for use with a heart-lung machine or for controlling the temperature of the water circuits during an extracorporeal perfusion. Includes water circuits to control the temperature of the blood (in the oxygenator), in thermal or hypothermic blankets or in the cardioplegia solutions.
  • Manufacturer
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