Nationwide. Italy, and United Kingdom. The product was released for distribution to 21 consignees nationwide to CA, FL, GA, IA, IL, NC, NJ, NY, TX, VT, WA, and WI. One VA account: VA Medical Center, Gwen Levy, Bld. 500, Room 1238, 11301 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90073. 2 overseas consignees distributed the product to Italy (Space Imports Export SPL, Via Ranzato, 12, 1-20128 Milano, Italy and United Kingdom (Launch Diagnosis, West Yoke Farm unit 11, Michaels, Lane, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN15 7EP United Kingdom
Description du dispositif
Test kit used in the assessment of breast cancer patients for whom Herceptin therapy is being considered. BioGenex brand InSite HER-2/neu Monoclonal Antibody, Automated; || Model number: AM134-10MP; || Lot Numbers: AM134P1005
Nationwide. Italy, and United Kingdom. The product was released for distribution to 21 consignees nationwide to CA, FL, GA, IA, IL, NC, NJ, NY, TX, VT, WA, and WI. One VA account: VA Medical Center, Gwen Levy, Bld. 500, Room 1238, 11301 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90073. 2 overseas consignees distributed the product to Italy (Space Imports Export SPL, Via Ranzato, 12, 1-20128 Milano, Italy and United Kingdom (Launch Diagnosis, West Yoke Farm unit 11, Michaels, Lane, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN15 7EP United Kingdom
Description du dispositif
Test kit used in the assessment of breast cancer patients for whom Herceptin therapy is being considered. BioGenex brand InSite HER-2/neu IHC Kit, Manual; || Model Numbers: RD134-60K; || Lot Numbers: RD1340205, RD1340205X, RD1340205Y
Nationwide. Italy, and United Kingdom. The product was released for distribution to 21 consignees nationwide to CA, FL, GA, IA, IL, NC, NJ, NY, TX, VT, WA, and WI. One VA account: VA Medical Center, Gwen Levy, Bld. 500, Room 1238, 11301 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90073. 2 overseas consignees distributed the product to Italy (Space Imports Export SPL, Via Ranzato, 12, 1-20128 Milano, Italy and United Kingdom (Launch Diagnosis, West Yoke Farm unit 11, Michaels, Lane, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN15 7EP United Kingdom
Description du dispositif
Test kit used in the assessment of breast cancer patients for whom Herceptin therapy is being considered. BioGenex brand InSite HER-2/neu IHC Kit, Automated; || Model Numbers: RD134-YAX; || Lot Numbers: RD1340205, RD1340205X, RD1341105, RD1340206