VerifyNow IIb/IIIa Test, Catalog No. 85310, 10-Test Kit and Catalog No. 85011, 25-Test kit. || Product Usage: || The VerifyNow System is a turbidimetric based optical detection system which measures platelet-induced aggregation. The system consists of an instrument, a disposable test device and quality control materials. The VerifyNow IIb/IIIa Test is a semi-quantitative, whole blood platelet function test used to measure glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa receptor blockade in patients treated with abciximab or eptifibatide. VerifyNow Ilb/Illa Test results should be interpreted in conjunction with other clinical and laboratory data available to the clinician.
Nationwide Distribution including NY, PA, DC, CT, IN, NJ, AR, TX, AZ,and NM.
Description du dispositif
VerifyNow IIb/IIIa Test, 10-Test Kit, Catalog No. 85310, || 10 tests/box; 690 total tests. || The VerifyNow IIb/IlIa Test is a semi-quantitative, whole blood platelet function test used to measure glycoprotein (GP) lIb/IlIa receptor blockade in patients treated with abciximab or eptifibatide. VerifyNow lIb/IlIa Test results should be interpreted in conjunction with other clinical and laboratory data available to the clinician. The VerifyNow System is a turbidimetric based optical detection system which measures platelet-induced aggregation. The system consists of an instrument, a disposable test device and quality control materials. The VerifyNow lIb/IlIa Test is a semi-quantitative, whole blood platelet function test used to measure glycoprotein (GP) lIb/IlIa receptor blockade in patients treated with abciximab or eptifibatide.