The firm distributed the product to one (1) distributor as a consignee of our product. The firm indicated that no customer has received the product directly from BioGenex, due to the fact that the product is exclusive distributed by Abbott Molecular.
Description du dispositif
Xmatrx FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization) Automated Staining System; Model Number/Catalog Number: AS4010B; || The product is manufactured by: BioGenex Laboratories, Inc. 4600 Norris Canyon Road San Ramon, CA 94583 and Distributed by: Abbott Molecular, 1300 E. Touhy Ave - 2E, Des Plaines, IL 60018 || Xmatrx Automated Staining System is intended for in vitro diagnostic use. It is suitable for fluorescent hybridization (FISH) applications.
Serial numbers AS40211, AS40226, AS40230, AS40231, AS40232, AS40233, AS40234, AS40235, AS40236, AS40237. These serial numbers encompass ALL products distributed.