Ad-Tech Medical Instrument Corporation

3 dispositifs dans la base de données

  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Lot number 208140447 Batch Number 0060002;  Lot Number 208140458 Batch Number 0061723; LotNumber208140487R Batch Number 0067938.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution: US (nationwide) in the states of: CO, FL, LA, NJ, OH, WA, and WI; and internationally to: Finland.
  • Description du dispositif
    Box Label: 3 mm Cueva Electrode Kit, Sterile EO, Rx Only, REF. CNE1-3KDINX . || Pouch labels: Each kit contains 3 pouches. 3 mm Cueva Electrode CNE-3X, Cueva Electrode Applicator Wand CNE-100X, Cueva Electrode Leadwire CNE-LW-2DINX. || Box Label: 2 mm Cueva Electrode Kit, Sterile EO, Rx Only, REF. CNE1-2KDINX . || Pouch labels: Each kit contains 3 pouches. 3 mm Cueva Electrode CNE-2X, Cueva Electrode Applicator Wand CNE-100X, Cueva Electrode Leadwire CNE-LW-2DINX.
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    REF numbers (catalog numbers):  EG10A-SP10N-000, EG34B-SP10X-000, EGD7A-MP12N-000, EGE4A-SP10N-000, EGE4A-SP10X-000, QG10B-SP10X-000, QG10C-SP10N-000, QG10D-SP10N-000, QG11A-SP10X-000, QG16A-SP10X-000, QG17A-SP10X-000, QG18A-SP10N-000, QG18A-SP10X-000, QG20B-SP10N-000, QG20B-SP10X-000, QG20C-SP10N-000, QG20C-SP10X-000, QG20D-SP10X-200, QG20E-SP10X-000, QG20F-SP10X-000, QG24A-SP10N-000, QG26A-SP10N-000, QG32A-SP10X-000, QG32B-SP10X-000, QG36A-SP10N-000, QG36A-SP10X-000, QG36B-SP10N-000, QG44A-SP10X-000, QG53A-SP10X-000, QG66A-SP85N-000, QG69A-SP10N-000, QG88A-SP10X-000, QG96A-SP10N-000, QG96A-SP10X-000, QG96C-SP10X-000, QG96D-SP10X-000, QGC6A-SP07N-000, QGC8A-SP10N-000, QGC8A-SP10X-000, QGC8B-SP10X-000, QGC8C-SP10X-000, QGC8D-SP10N-000, QGC8E-SP10X-000, QGC8F-SP10X-000, QS20A-SP10N-000, QS40B-SP10X-000,   Lot numbers: 208140314, 208140343, 208140344, 208140353, 208140354, 208140362, 208140369, 208140374, 208140381, 208140382, 208140387, 208140390, 208140395, 208140398, 208140399, 208140414, 208140417, 208140421, 208140431, 208140443, 208140445, 208140450, 208140452, 208140453, 208140458, 019020, 208140356R, 208140357R, 208140452R, C010180001, C702201001, C703160006, C704040001, C800250002, C800350004, C801240003, C802220003, C802220005, C802220006, C805210003, C805210004, C908221002, G012111001, G012140002, G015020002, G016240001, G017250004, G017250005, G017250006, G018011001, G018011002, G018011003, G019021002, G019021003, G019150003, G112270004, G114160001, G114160002, G115080002, G115170004, G115280005, G119020004, G211220001, G608060002, G704150001, G805270001, G900211002, G903011001, G903080003, S903080004, S905280003.  Recall exanded on 5/2/2013 to include additional Macro Micro Subdural Electrodes: REF numbers (catalog numbers):  CG-64BPX-F436, CMMS-22PX-F478 CG-32BPX-F412, CGIE-98BPX-F341, CGIE-82BPN-F377, CMMS-69PN-F480, CGIE-98BPN-F341, CG-9SN-F496, CG-32BPX-F426, CG-16BPX-F445, CG-16BPX-F446, CG-256PX-F425, CGIE-39BPX-F442, CG-46BPX-F465, CG-64BPX-F419, CG-32BPX-F418.  Lot numbers:  20814044, 208140447, 208140463, 208140463, 208140476, 208140463, 08140463, 208140424, 208140439, G119221001,G212040002, G216040002, 218190,  208140431, 208140450, 208140432, 208140433, 208140420, 208140437,  208140450, 208140422, 208140422, 208140422, 208140422
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution - USA Nationwide including the states of CA, GA, LA, MA, MD, MI, MN, NH, PA, RI, TX, UT, WI, NY IA, WI and the countries of: Australia, CANADA, ENGLAND, JAPAN, KOREA, SPAIN, FRANCE, and SWITZERLAND.
  • Description du dispositif
    Ad-Tech Medical Instrument Corporation Macro Micro Subdural Electrode. For temporary (<30 days) use with recording, monitoring and stimulation equipment, for the recording, monitoring and stimulation of electrical signals on the surface level of the brain. The recording of electrical activity supports definition of the location of epileptogenic foci and brain mapping.
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Lot Numbers: 208140507, 208140552, 208140556, 208140559, 208140560, 208140561, 208140562, 208140563, 208140564R, 208140579, 208140581, 208140586, 208140588R, 208140590, 208140604.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Distributed in the states of GA and MI, and the countries of FRANCE, UNITED KINGDOM, COLOMBIA, and BRAZIL.
  • Description du dispositif
    Ad-Tech Electrode Connection System/Cables. Lightweight TECH-ATTACH Cable Models: || 1. L-DCL-4DINX (4 contacts: 1 terminal block with 4 connectors each); || 2. L-DCL-6DINX (6 contacts: 1 terminal block with 6 connectors each); || 3. L-DCL-8DINX (8 contacts: 1 terminal block with 8 connectors each); || 4. L-DCL-16BDINX (16 contacts: 1 terminal block with 16 connectors each); || 5. L-DCL-32BDINX (32 contacts: 2 terminal blocks with 16 connectors each); || 6. L-DCL-64BDINX (64 contacts: 4 terminal blocks with 16 connectors each). || FO TECH-ATTACH Connection Cable model FO-LDC-4DINX (4 contacts: 1 terminal block with 4 connectors each). || Tech-Attach: these cables require the use of an additional component - the connector block. The tail of the electrode is inserted into the block and the block in turn mates with the cable. A key-pin is used to ensure proper orientation. The cable terminated in EEG compatible connector sockets. || Lightweight CABRIO Cable, model L-SRL-64BDINX (64 contacts: 4 terminal blocks with 16 connectors each). Cabrio cables are similar to Tech-Attach cables except that the block portion is pre-attached. The tail of an electrode is inserted into this portion which then hinges shut.

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