Bock,Otto,Orthopedic Ind,Inc

3 dispositifs dans la base de données

  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Serial numbers: 200803001, 200803002, 200803003, 200803004, 200803005, 200803006, 200803007, 200803008, and 200803009.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    The product was only distributed within the US by the US company. Any OUS distribution was handled by the manufacturer in Germany.
  • Description du dispositif
    Otto Bock Modular Knee Joint, 3R66, Otto Bock HealthCare GmbH, Max-Nader-StraBe 15 . 37115 Duderstadt /Germany. || Pediatric Prosthetic Device used by Lower Limb amputees.
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    all cushions with the following material numbers: SK757 476C00=SK701, 476C00=SK702, 476C00=SK703, 476C00=SK704, 476C00=SK705, 476C00=SK706, 476C00=SK707, The following material numbers were not distributed within the US: 476C00=SK751, 476C00=SK752, 476C00=SK753, 476C00=SK754, 476C00=SK755, 476C00=SK756, 476C00= SK757.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution-USA (nationwide) and the countries of Australia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, China, Columbia, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, and United Kingdom.
  • Description du dispositif
    Otto Bock Aerial and Aerial Active Wheelchair Cushions. Material numbers: SK757 476C00=SK701, 476C00=SK702, 476C00=SK703, 476C00=SK704, 476C00=SK705, 476C00=SK706, 476C00=SK707, The following material numbers were not distributed within the US: 476C00=SK751, 476C00=SK752, 476C00=SK753, 476C00=SK754, 476C00=SK755, 476C00=SK756, 476C00= SK757.
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Material number 3C85, serial numbers: 200547006, 200547007, 200547008, 200547009, 200547034, 200547035, 200547036, 200547037, 200547038, 200547039, 200548022, 200548023, 200548037, 200548038, 200548039, 200548040, 200548041, 200548042, 200604015, 200604016, 200604017, 200604021, 200604022, 200604024, 200604064, 200605002, 200613003.   Material number 3C95, serial numbers: 200531057, 200531058, 200531059, 200531060, 200547003, 200547004, 200547005, 200547024, 200547049, 200547050, 200547051, 200547052, 200547053, 200547054, 200547055, 200547056, 200547057, 200548007, 200548008, 200548009, 200548010, 200548011, 200548012, 200548013, 200548014, 200548015, 200548016, 200548017, 200548018, 200548019, 200548020, 200548034, 200548035, 200548036, 200548044, 200548045, 200548046, 200548047, 200548048, 200548049, 200548051, 200548052, 200548053, 200548054, 200548055, 200548056, 200548058, 200548059, 200548060, 200548061, 200548062, 200548063, 200548064, 200548065, 200548067, 200548068, 200604001, 200604002, 200604003, 200604004, 200604005, 200604006, 200604007, 200604008, 200604009, 200604010, 200604012, 200604013, 200604014, 200604026, 200604027, 200604028, 200604029, 200604030, 200604032, 200604033, 200604034, 200604035, 200604036, 200604038, 200604039, 200604040, 200604041, 200604042, 200604043, 200604044, 200604045, 200604053, 200604054, 200604055, 200604056, 200604057, 200604058, 200604059, 200604062, 200604063, 200605003, 200605004, 200605005, 200605006, 200605008, 200605009, 200605010, 200605018, 200605019, 200605020, 200605021, 200605022, 200605023, 200605054, 200605055, 200605057, 200605058, 200605059, 200605060, 200605061, 200612015, 200612016, 200612017, 200612018, 200612019, 200612020, 200612021, 200612024, 200612029, 200612045, 200612047, 200612050, 200612051, 200612052, 200612053, 200612054, 200612056, 200613034, 200613035, 200613038, 200613039, 200613041, 200613042, 200613043, 200613044, 200613045, 200613054, 200613055, 200613056, 200613057, 200613061, 200613062, 200613063.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
  • Description du dispositif
    Electronic Otto Bock Compact leg prosthesis System, 3C95/3C85, to be used exclusively for the exoprosthetic fitting of amputations of the lower limb. Microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knee joint used by lower extremity amputees.

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  • Adresse du fabricant
    Bock,Otto,Orthopedic Ind,Inc, 3000 Xenium Ln N, Minneapolis MN 55441-2661
  • Source