Galt Medical Corp

Un dispositif médical dans la base de données

  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Lot F0620209
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Nationwide Distribution -- MI, PA, IL, & Washington, D.C.
  • Description du dispositif
    Micro Introducer Kit 5F, Model number: KIT-014-29, & Customer Model number: 7204. Vascular Solutions, 6464 Sycamore Court, Minneapolis, MN 53369.

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En savoir plus sur les données ici

  • Société-mère du fabricant (2017)
  • Commentaire du fabricant
    Note published by the authorities from the Netherlands: This message is a warning from the manufacturer. After placing a medical device on the market, the manufacturer is obliged to follow the device and, where necessary, to improve it. When there is a risk for the user, the manufacturer must take action. The manufacturer informs users and the inspection of this action with a warning (Field Safety Notice). See also medical device warnings. This is part of the supervision of medical technology.
  • Source
  • Adresse du fabricant
    Galt Medical Corporation, 2220 Merritt Dr, Garland TX 75041-6137
  • Société-mère du fabricant (2017)
  • Source
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