Instrumentation Industries Inc

5 dispositifs dans la base de données

  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Lot numbers PO902505 and PO900805
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    The products were shipped to medical facilities in FL, NY, and WV.
  • Description du dispositif
    Flexible Support Arm Assembly. Breathing Tube Support. Catalog number BE 122-30
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    BE 183-2 -- lot numbers P0911307, P1109307, P1117907, P1210807, P1216107, P0112208, P0203508, P0208308, P0220008, P0313608, P0503608, P0510108, P0712408, P0816308, P0911708, P1008408, P0115009, P0203009, P0313109, P0603709, P0619009, P0806309, P0903509, P0905109, P0912309, P1005709, P1107809, P1205709, P1214309, P0111410, P0210810, P0212510, P0300210, P0314310, P0400710, P0404510, P0701210, P0705410, P0715010, P0816310, P0715010R10, P0705410R10, P1001810, P1011610, P1114810, P1204810, P1207310, P0109811, P0211311, P0404611, P0504911, P0603911, P0706511, P0801811, P0811811, P0818511, P0900611, P0908411, P0917111, P1008111, P1012211, P1113911, P1207111, P0107712, P0118212, P0211712, P0308512, P0409012, P0412912, P0802012, and P0813612;   BE 183-R -- P0904007, P1015407, P1118107, P1209207, P0205608, P0208208, P0415408, P0509608, P0503008, P0517408R, P1215508, P0200709, P0308109, P0614909, P0712009, P0806409, P0903309, P1101909, P1101909R10, P0303710, P0409910, P0615710, P0710710, P0714510, P0814310, P0907010, P1214710, P0208711, P0208711R11, P1214710R11, P0716411, P0718111, P0807511, P0812211, P0816111, P0819511, P0914111, P1000511, P1015011, P1217911, P0117112, P0211312, P0313612, P0605312, P0709612, and P0807812;   BE183-SU -- P0914607, P1015607, P1016907, P1119007, P1201807, P1211307, P0108808, P0112408, P0203008, P0208608, P0306908, P0313508, P0404908, P0510008, P0708808, P0806508, P0915908, P1020008, P1104508, P1109108, P1211608, P0102809, P0203109, P0208109, P0214609, P0302209, P0504909, P0603609, P0617209, P0618909, P0703509, P0804609, P0812609, P1005209, P1110009, P1221709, P0104510, P0108110, P0307110, P0411910, P0603510, P0616210, P0813510, P0912310, P1000910, P1017410, P0111111, P0207611, P0209411, P0216411, P0300611, P0309411, P0515711, P0619111, P0707411, P0717311, P0804011, P0809611, P0815311, P0901611, P0905011, P0915611, P1014511, P1103511, P1112811, P1116411, P1201911, P1213511, P1216511, P0103312, P0106212, P0114112, P0207712, P0211112, P0216312, P0320512, P0402512, P0408912, P0416912, P0509212, and P0513212;   BE 183 SU-12 -- no lot numbers assigned;   BE 183-SUR -- P0908607, P1006707, P1010807R, P1101207, P1117507, P1117707, P1210307, P1212007, P0103208, P0110308, P0116508, P0203208, P0214908, P0221508, P0317708, P0409808, P0409908, P0418308, P0508508, P0513308, P0601308, P0606608, P0704008, P0808108, P0606608R, P0814308, P0907308, P0916208, P1011108, P1016908, P1201708, P1208508, P0102409, P0113809, P0203709, P0102409R09, P0304509, P0405109, P0413009, P0501209, P0612709, P0709109, P0803109, P0910909, P1009609, P1106609, P1111509, P1206809, P1218009, P0114410, P0203010, P0304310, P0408410, P0500610, P0509410, P0607410, P0705710, P0711810, P0500610R10, P0805110, P0903110, P0909710, P1014710, P1102910, P0104411, P0116011, P0201211, P0206711, P0211011, P0219311, P0302911, P0308311, P0312211, P0400211, P0413811, P0506511, P0605911, P0609411, P0703111, P0708011, P0807911, P0809511, P0813811, P0819311, P0901311, P0905311, P0907511, P0912211, P1002711, P1018011, P1102911, P1104011, P1110711, P1207011, P0107812, P0115812, P0208312, P0210912, P0305212, P0309312, P0315812, P0400912, P0407212, P0417012, P0601712, P0701712, and P0712412;   and BE 183 SUR-12 -- P1012107, P1102507, P1116107, P0319008, P1113408, P0201409, and P0703911.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution - USA including AK, AL, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NH, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, PR, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI and WV. Shipped internationally to Canada, Ireland, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and Thailand.
  • Description du dispositif
    Instrumentation Industries BE183-SU and BE 183 SU-12 Manual Jet Ventilators; BE 183-SUR and BE 183 SUR-12 Manual Jet Ventilators with Regulator and Gauge; BE 183-2 4 ft. Small Bore Tubing Assembly w/Inline Filter; and BE 183-R Regulator || The BE 183-SUR and BE 183-SU Manual Jet Ventilators are designed to provide transtracheal ventilation in specific emergency situations of upper airway obstructions.
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Lot Numbers: P0207409, P0209509, P0211009, P0214009, P0215609, P0301609, P0303109, P0304909, P0306209, P0307909, P0312309, P0400209, P0402409, P0404409, P0405909, P0408509, P0410009, P0412209, P0414209, P0416909, P0506509, P0506509R09, P0507609, P0509709, P0515009, P0602309, P0602809, P0604009, P0604209, P0607009, P0607009, P0607009R09, P0608809, P0612309, P0613709, P0615809, P0617309 and P0619209.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Nationwide Distribution -- AK, AL, AR, CA, CO, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL,IN, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, NC, ND, NH, NJ, OH, PA, SC, SD, TX, VA and WA.
  • Description du dispositif
    Transtracheal (Jet Ventilation) Catheter ACU 1060.1, labeled sterile if unopened. || The Jet Ventilation Catheter allows a safe and atraumatic transtracheal access for oxygenation/ventilation.
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    multiple lots shipped between 10/7/13 and 11/6/13: P1002913, P1004413, P1005713, P1007713, P1009813, P1014213, P1014813, and P1102013.
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Nationwide Distribution.
  • Description du dispositif
    RTC 25-C Inline Aerosol Tee Adapter. || Intended to be used to adapt an aerosolized medication delivery system having an elliptical mouthpiece to a ventilator circuit.
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Model Length Lot Numbers KC 036 36 tube P0614015, P0818215, P0825515  KC 060 60 tube P0511915, P0608315 KC 072 72 tube P0618415, P0818515
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution - US including PA, FL, GA, WA, OH, CA, KA and Internationally to Canada.
  • Description du dispositif
    Ventilator Tubing

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  • Source
  • Adresse du fabricant
    Instrumentation Industries Inc, 2990 Industrial Blvd, Bethel Park PA 15102
  • Source