Baxter Healthcare Corp.

52 dispositifs dans la base de données

  • Modèle / numéro de série
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution - US Nationwide and the countries of Canada and Mexico.
  • Description du dispositif
    GAMBRO Capillary Dialyzer, Polyflux(R) Revaclear MAX, STERILE, Product code 110634 || Product Usage: || The Revaclear Max dialyzer is a single use device used for treatment of chronic and acute renal failure by hemodialysis.
  • Modèle / numéro de série
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    US Distribution and Internationally to Canada.
  • Description du dispositif
    Baxter 15L Cycler Drainage Bag Sterile, nonpyrogenic fluid path
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    all codes distributed between 4/15/2014 and 6/11/2014
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, LA, MA, MD, MI, MO, NC, NE, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, PA, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI and District of Columbia
  • Description du dispositif
    HomeChoice/HomeChoice Pro Automated Personal Cycler, for Automated Peritoneal Dialysis. Product codes 5C8310, 5C8310R, R5C8320, and 5C4474.
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    Product Codes: 5C4471(R), 5C8310(R); Serial Numbers: All serial numbers
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide Distribution: US (nationwide) Including states of: AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY and District of Columbia; and countries of: Algeria, Argentina, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cayman Islands, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Oman, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Quatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and Venezuela.
  • Description du dispositif
    HomeChoice Automated PD system and HomeChoice Pro Automated PD system Baxter's || HomeChoice and HomeChoice Pro APD systems are designed to provide Automated Peritoneal Dialysis (APD) therapy for pediatric and adult renal patients. Their Fill volumes can range from 60 mL to 3000 mL. The HomeChoice and HomeChoice Pro APD systems are intended to be operated by: 1) Home patients whose physicians have prescribed this system. Patients, or their caregivers, must have received adequate training to use the system. 2) Clinicians who are using the system for patients under their care and under a prescription. Clinicians must have received adequate training to use the system. Since drain and volume requirements vary among patients, both the HomeChoice and HomeChoice Pro APD systems have a choice of modes, either Standard Fill Mode (Standard Mode) or Low Fill Mode. The dialysis center selects the Fill mode for the patient before therapy begins. The HomeChoice APD system and HomeChoice Pro APD system are the same in operation, except for the Pro Card and modem features that are only available with the HomeChoice Pro APD system. The Pro Card feature stores prescription and therapy data. The data can be transferred between your cycler and your clinician. The two systems use the same disposable sets and solutions. They perform the same therapies the same way.
  • Modèle / numéro de série
    *** 1) HomeChoice automated peritoneal dialysis system:  Product Codes: 5C4471 and 5C4471R;  Serial Numbers: All serial numbers;   *** 2) HomeChoice Pro automated peritoneal dialysis system:  Product Codes: 5C8310 and 5C8310R;  Serial Numbers: All serial numbers
  • Classification du dispositif
  • Classe de dispositif
  • Dispositif implanté ?
  • Distribution
    Worldwide distribution. US nationwide including Puerto Rico; Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Japan
  • Description du dispositif
    1) The HomeChoice automated peritoneal dialysis system. Dataplate located on the device is labeled in part: Baxter. || 2) The HomeChoice PRO automated peritoneal dialysis system. Dataplate located on the device is labeled in part: Baxter. || The HomeChoice/HomeChoice Pro Automated Personal Cycler peritoneal dialysis system is intended for automatic control of dialysate solution exchange in the treatment of pediatric and adult renal failure patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis.
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En savoir plus sur les données ici

  • Adresse du fabricant
    Baxter Healthcare Corp., Rt 120 & Wilson Rd, Round Lake IL 60073
  • Source
  • Adresse du fabricant
    Baxter Healthcare Corp., Rt. 120 & Wilson Rd, Round Lake IL 60073
  • Source
  • Adresse du fabricant
    Baxter Healthcare Corp., Route 120 And Wilson Rd, Round Lake IL 60073-9799
  • Société-mère du fabricant (2017)
  • Source
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